54: Thalassa's Plan

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Stiles POV

Moselle and I rush into her house, adrenaline coursing through my body, as I'm sure it is rushing through Moselle's too. "Mom!" Moselle calls out breathlessly as we run into the living room to see Thalassa reading a book on the sofa. She looks up at us in curiosity as we stop by the sofa. "Back so soon?" She smiles sweetly at us as she puts the book down. Moselle and I exchange a nervous look, neither of us sure on how to begin this. I'm suddenly feeling very nervous. "What do you two lovebirds look so worried about?" Thalassa laughs as the silence continues on. Moselle and I turn back to face her again. I hear Moselle take a deep breath.

"Mom, we have something to tell you." She begins, watching to see how her mom reacts to this. Thalassa looks worried but nods in encouragement. "Go on." She tells us nervously.

"Well, uh, as it turns out... Both Stiles and I don't want to get married." Moselle decides to just rip the band-aid off quickly. I brace myself for whatever is going to come next, which I'm thinking can't be good. Thalassa did go to a lot of trouble organizing this and it has been planned for years. Thalssa looks between the two of us in shock. "What?" She whispers quietly. "Mom, I really appreciate the effort you went to for me, I do, but... I just don't love Stiles in that way, nor does he love me in that way. We would both just be better off as friends. I'm really sorry, I hope you understand." Moselle explains to her mom, her tone apologetic. Thalassa continues to stare between the two of us with disbelief, not sure what to say. I'm not really sure what to say either.

"It's just that we hoped that if you knew about this, then maybe the wedding wouldn't have to go ahead. I mean, if neither of us want to get married, then neither of us will be happy if we do end up getting married. I know that you've put a lot of effort into this, but I'm sure you want to see your daughter happy and want what is best for her rather than put on a wedding that will only make your daughter unhappy." I eventually say, feeling really awkward right now. Thalassa looks thoughtful for a few moments.

"Your dad and I had an arranged marriage. We turned out fine and we loved each other until the very end." Thalassa points out.

"I'm sorry, Mom. It might have worked for you, but I don't want to be forced into a marriage with someone. I would never be able to love them fully. I want to find someone that I can love with all my heart, really want to marry, spend the rest of my life with and potentially start a family with." Moselle apologizes and I can see that she feels bad for doing this to her mom. Thalassa sighs and runs a hand through her hair again, looking between the two of us. "So you really don't want to get married, huh?" Thalassa asks us. Both Moselle and I nod quickly in response. Thalassa bites her lip, looking deep in thought for a few moments as she tries to come up with a response. She gives us a small smile after a while, although I can't help but feel it looks a little fake.

"Well, I suppose that I can think carefully about what we do next. This wedding will be important for both of our kingdoms, but I also care about your happiness. It's a tough situation." Thalassa begins to conclude. Moselle and I exchange hopeful smiles and my heart seems to be beating faster with joy. "However, I suggest that you two think really carefully about what you want. It's not an easy or lighthearted decision, that either way could have consequences." Thalassa advises us.

"Thank you, thank you!" Moselle breathes in relief and goes up to hug her mom quickly and then turns to hug me. I happily hug her back, happy about this whole outcome. I can't stop smiling. I'm sure Scott will be very glad to hear this news. It doesn't confirm anything yet, but it's a start. Maybe I'll wait a couple of days to tell Scott, in case anything massively changes. I hear myself let out a small laugh of relief, letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Thalassa chuckles and hugs her daughter back with a faint smile on her face.

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