67: Determination

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Kara POV

After school on Tuesday, I go around to Scott's house, where we talk about everything we know about what is going on with Thalassa, Moselle and Stiles. We also talk about what possibly could happen if we actually did let this continue and Stiles and Moselle did end up marrying each other. We both worry about what Thalassa would do to them and the kingdoms. Surely it wouldn't be anything good. I also show Scott the locks of hair that I found both in Stiles' room and then Moselle's room, since he didn't have an interest in it before or see any relevance to it before. He obviously does now though. He stares at the small locks of hair with a frown. It's still a weird thing to find under a pillow. I still think it must play a major part in the love potion that Thalassa somehow out on Stiles and Moselle. It's the only thing that makes sense. At least it gives us more proof that there actually was a love potion though, I guess.

Scott seems really down and devastated by this new evidence, because I suppose it makes everything more real. He has a sad look in his eyes, but I can see that he is trying to be strong in front of me. I can tell that he is hurt. I know the feeling. I'm hurt too. I hate seeing Stiles like this. He doesn't deserve it. If... No, when we manage to save him and Moselle from the love spell/potion, he's going to feel super guilty and ashamed, I know it. He's going to hate everything that he's done, which is understandable, but I'm going to try and reassure him that none of it was his fault. Anyway, back to the point on Scott. He's sort of quiet about it all, letting me do most of the talking, another sign that he's upset.

"Scott, listen to me." I eventually say as I stare at Scott seriously. He looks at me in confusion.

"What?" Scott asks. I reach out and hold onto one of his hands, squeezing it gently.

"We can't give up, okay?" I remind him in a gentle voice. Scott nods quickly in understanding.

"I know, Kara. I know." Scott replies.

"There has to be a way to save Stiles. I know it." I assure Scott confidently. There's no way I'm going to let all of this happen to Stiles without a fight.

"Stiles really needs you, Scott." I add, giving Scott a small smile. Scott lets out a small sigh and I can see the sadness in his eyes and I think that tears might be starting to form. "Yeah, I really need him too. As you've noticed, I'm a complete mess without him." Scott chuckles a little bit.

"I really hope that you know that Stiles still loves you, Scott. Don't let the love potion fool you. Don't listen to a word he says while he is in this state. His feelings for Moselle aren't real." I say, my voice quite serious and completely honest. Scott smiles slightly at the thought. "I know. And it wouldn't matter if he didn't, anyway. I will always love him and I would want to save him no matter what." Scott admits to me.

"Stiles really is lucky to have a guy like you." I compliment the werewolf with a proud smile. I see Scott blush slightly.

"Thanks, Kara." Scott replies, squeezing my hand back gently in response. We sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, still holding each other's hands comfortingly. I think we both wish we could take each other's pain away, but even for a werewolf, unfortunately they can't take someone's emotional pain away.

"Maybe Deaton could help us figure out what sort of love potion was used on Stiles and Moselle? He seems to know everything about the supernatural." Scott suggests hopefully.

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" I agree, excited to have at least some sort of plan to start.

"You should show Deaton the hair. That could probably narrow down the possibilities of what love potion was used, because I'm sure there are lots." Scott adds. I nod in agreement.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz