52: First Date With Moselle

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Stiles POV

The drive to the restaurant is awkward and silent and I hate it. The only conversation we have is about directions. I'm internally groaning so bad. This is already a disaster and we haven't even gotten to the restaurant yet. How bad can this night go? Probably really, really bad. I hope I haven't jinxed it. Knowing me, I probably have. Eventually though, we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant and I quickly cut off the engine. We sit there for a few moments, staring at the building in front of us.

"I wonder if it'll actually be nice," Moselle comments eventually.

"It should be. I haven't been here before, but I have heard good things about it." I reply.

"Well, I guess there is only one way to find out then." Moselle smiles at mischievously. I can't help but grin back in response. "Yep. Let's go and find out." I suggest before I start getting out of the car, Moselle following in suit. I close the door behind me and walk around to Moselle's side and watch as she gets out of the jeep and closes the door too. I take in her appearance for a moment. She is wearing a white knee-length dress that flows around her as she walks, the small straps of the dress fitting her shoulders nicely. Her straight long brown hair is down and hangs at about where her ribcage is, blowing slightly in the wind. She has diamond earrings in as well and she is wearing a bit of light makeup. I admire that she somehow picked up the makeup skills in a few weeks. I feel like Lydia secretly helped her or something.

"You look very beautiful tonight, Moselle." I remark honestly. She does look really pretty and I can imagine that a lot of guys would want to be with her. I feel bad that our relationship will never be genuine and that I will never be in love with her. I would feel even worse if she did happen to fall in love with me. That wouldn't be fair on her at all. I can see Moselle smile a little and blush profusely, even under the pale moonlight.

"Thanks, Stiles. You look pretty handsome yourself." Moselle replies, sounding a little flustered still. I can't help but smile a bit more. Moselle does remind me of me. Usually I am the flustered one that doesn't know what to do and usually screw things up or just blurts random crap out of my mouth. I'm sure that Moselle won't be that bad though. I take her hand in mine and lead her towards the restaurant confidently. As we walk, I can't help but think of Scott, his laugh and smile etched into my mind. My heart drops a little and my mood goes down, still not liking this situation. Moselle is a lovely girl and I'm sure anyone else would be stoked to be with her, but I'm just not. I don't want to be here with her, I want to be here with Scott. I want to be holding his hand and complimenting him on his appearance, I want to be kissing him and hugging him and telling him that I love him. I let out a very quiet sigh that I'm sure Moselle can't hear as we walk into the restaurant.

"Reservations for Delafontaine?" I ask as I make my way up to the front desk. The woman nods and starts looking through her book. "Ah, yes. You two will be seated at table 13 tonight. A waiter will be with you shortly to take your orders." The woman says as she looks back up at us with a friendly smile.

"Thank you." Moselle tells her before we walk off to find our table. When we do, we sit down. I quickly grab a menu and start looking over stuff, hoping to avoid the awkward stares and I also want to try and avoid the awkward silence. From the corner of my eye, I can see Moselle picking up a menu too.

"Well, the place looks really nice. Quite fancy." Moselle comments as I'm reading over what drinks are available. I glance up and look around to see what she means. "Yeah, it is. My dad and I never eat out somewhere fancy, so this is definitely different for me. The fanciest place that my dad and I have eaten out at is a diner. It had very delicious, but greasy burgers, I'll admit." I reply as I turn back to look at Moselle, smiling a bit as I think back to that memory.

Forever and Always (Sciles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ