104: Obliviousness

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Scott POV

Stiles, Malia, Kira and I are all sitting down at a lovely cafe, laughing about something that Malia just said. It wasn't extremely funny, but once one person started laughing, we all started laughing. Pfft, and we are supposed to be mature adults. As if. We will never grow up, even if we are already parents.

"You know, I'm glad we did this. We haven't been on a double date in ages." Kira eventually says when the laughter has died down.

"Yeah, me too." Stiles nods eagerly in agreement.

"So, now that you have heard all about us, how have you two been going?" Malia asks with a mischievous grin. Stiles and I exchange a look and a smile before Stiles goes to answer Malia's question.

"We've been really great, Malia. No fights, which is always awesome. I always think how lucky I am to have Scott in my life, and how lucky I am to have Scott as my husband. It's honestly unbelievable sometimes. I just love Scott so much and I know I will never let him go." Stiles admits, gazing over at me with a smile again. I feel myself blush a little.

"Aww, thanks, Stiles. I love you too." I reply happily and honestly, taking Stiles' hand and squeezing it comfortingly.

"I guess the only thing that has been a slight problem lately is Scott's recurring nightmare of some strange monster. He always wakes up so terrified and it hurts me. Sometimes, Scott also doesn't seem to quite remember things in the past." Stiles admits to Malia and Kira. I watch as the two girls share a worried look.

"Why would that be?" Malia asks curiously.

"Probably just stress and over tiredness. I already told him that he already over works himself to make sure that everyone is happy." Stiles answers with a small shrug.

"Hey, just because my mind goes blank for a few moments, doesn't mean I have forgotten things completely. I just need to be reminded sometimes. When you explain things, everything comes rushing back to me in a flood of memories." I tell Stiles.

"Yeah, I know." Stiles replies with a small chuckle, squeezing my hand once more. I gaze down at our intertwined hands and I focus on the golden wedding ring on Stiles' finger.

"Even though we got married, it still feels so surreal for you to be my husband, Stiles. I just... I'm always overwhelmed with pride and joy when I wake up in the morning and I see you lying next to me, still asleep. I always think to myself 'wow, I'm actually married to this amazing man.' It still feels like only a few days ago we were in high school." I admit to the merprince sitting beside me and I gaze at him affectionately. I see Stiles blush and smile bashfully while Kira and Malia make 'aww' sounds.

"I still think I got the better end of the deal. You're married to me. You could've probably found someone better to marry. However, I got to marry you and there is honestly no one more perfect for me to love and spend the rest of my life with." Stiles responds honestly.

"Baby, you need to give yourself more credit. You're more amazing than you think." I tell my husband pointedly. No matter how many years pass, Stiles doesn't give himself the credit he deserves, so I have to do it for him. Not that I mind. I'll keep doing it until Stiles sees what I see.

"Argh, even though you have been together for a long time now, including the time you haven't been married, you two are still such an adorable couple." Kira squeaks happily, clapping her hands together while Malia just gives Stiles and I an approving, happy smile.

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