60: Going from bad to worse

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Stiles POV

The ride to school is silent. Kara is glaring out window, refusing to look at me, clearly still fuming from breakfast this morning. I really don't understand why Kara is so angry at me today. Actually, she has been mad at me for the past week. It's like she doesn't want me to be with my true love. Oh well, her opinion won't change my feelings. I love Moselle and she loves me! We were destined to be together! Ugh, I wish this stupid jeep would go faster. I need to see Moselle now! I know it has only been a day or so since I last saw Moselle, but it already feels like too long for me. I don't know how much more separation I can take. If I don't see her soon, I'll probably die without her. I'm pulled to her like a magnet. She's just so enticing and beautiful, smart, kind, caring and funny... Who wouldn't want her? Although, if anyone tried to take her away from me, then I would kill them. Moselle is supposed to be with me and me only. I'm sure she would do the same to anyone who wants to be with me.

Eventually, I pull into the parking lot of the school. I cut the engine of the car off and I take in an excited breath, butterflies exploding in my stomach. I really hope that Moselle is here already. I hear Kara unbuckling her seatbelt, opens the door and grabs her bag. "Have a good day at school, lover boy." Kara says coldly before she slams the door closed and walks away, not looking at me once. I'm not sure I like the new nickname she has given me. Well, actually, I don't mind it, but I hate the tone she says it in, making it seem like a bad thing. I sigh and roll my eyes. I guess Kara will never understand the love Moselle and I share, nor does she seem to like it. Oh well, that's a shame. I'll still invite her to the wedding though. She is like a sister to me, after all. It wouldn't feel complete without having her there.

I grab my stuff, open the door and jump out of the jeep myself. I then close the door again and start walking up towards the school, with a slight skip in my step, feeling hopeful and happy. I haven't felt this light and care free for a very long time. I enter through the front entrance of the school, looking around hopefully, wanting to find Moselle. I don't really care about my classes or anything, I just want to see her. She'll be here, I know she will. We always know how to find each other. As I walk around the school trying to find the princess, I start thinking about how much I love her. I smile a little at the thought and I smile wider when I think about spending the rest of my life with her. I start skipping down the hall for a few moments, my bag bouncing on my back and people are giving me weird stares, but I really don't care. Nothing can bring down my mood today, nor will anything dampen my feelings for Moselle, who I love with all my heart for eternity. It all just feels magical and like it is a dream come true.

"Moselle!" I call out cheerfully as I continue to search for her around the school, feeling more desperate to be with her again. I'm almost running now, but I'm slowed down because of the mob of students surrounding me. It's hard to make my way through the crowd. As I turn down another corridor, I bump into someone. I stumble backwards in surprise and stare at the person I bumped into. It's Coach. I smile brightly at him. "Watch where you're going, Stilinski!" He scowls at me.

"Ah, morning, Coach. And what a beautiful morning it is. Isn't it a brilliant day to be alive?" I ask him as I clap a hand on his shoulder in a friendly way, the smile still on my face. Coach looks at me with confusion. "Uh..." He stumbles, not really sure what to say. "Doesn't everything just feel so... So magical? Don't you just feel invincible and on top of the world? Because I do." I explain to Coach, needing to express my joyous thoughts to someone. Coach gives me a suspicious look. "What drugs are you on, Stilinski?" Coach asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Only love, Coach. That is the best drug that someone can ever have." I sigh happily. Coach frowns at me, almost looking worried for a moment.

Forever and Always (Sciles)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें