119: Unfair Consequences

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Stiles POV

For most of the day, everything is all good and well. Some teachers get nervous around me, and some students refuse to sit next to me, but it's nothing really major, I guess. It could be worse. Coach says a few comments to me that irritate me slightly, but then again, Coach as a person just irritates me in general. However, if he calls me 'fish boy' one more time, I might end up freezing him solid like an ice popsicle, and I'll make it look like an accident.

However, after lacrosse training and I'm walking back towards the locker room, a few of the boys catch up with me and stand in front of me, not allowing me to catch up with the rest of the team, which includes Scott, Kira, Liam and Isaac.

"What do you want?" I ask the three boys snappily, not in the mood to deal with drama right now. I'm hot, sweaty, smelly, tired and I feel like I might be sick after all that running. My legs are shaky and feel like lead while my lungs feel like they are on fire. The three boys exchange a look.

"So, you're a merman, huh?" One of the boys, Nolan I think his name is, asks me. This is the first time someone at school has confronted me straight up about the issue. Until now, people have been more subtle. Even Coach was more subtle than this.

"Yeah, I am. Got a problem with that?" I raise an eyebrow at Nolan and his two friends.

"Yeah, we do. You're scaring the team and the school. In fact, you're scaring the whole town. You're dangerous, Stiles. You're a freak." Nolan informs me matter of factly.

"How can Scott and those other weirdos stand to be around you? How are they okay with you being what you are? Or did you put them under your spell?" The boy on the left of Nolan asks me in a harsh tone. I'm pretty sure his name is Bryce. I scowl at him.

"I haven't put anyone under any spells. I'm a merman, not a siren. I'm not evil, and I don't lure anyone to their deaths or make them fall hopelessly in love with me and then make them do my bidding." I practically growl at the boy that accused me of such things. I clench my fists tightly, trying my best to control my anger. After all the experience I've had with sirens and love spells/potions, I absolutely hate being accused as the one placing people under such terrible things. They almost ruined my life.

"Then why are your so called friends so okay with everything about you?" The boy on the right (Nathan) asks suspiciously.

"Because they're not judgemental and scared jerks like you." I retort back, narrowing my eyes at the three boys.

"We're not scared." Nolan tells me in a dark voice.

"Pfft, of course not." I respond sarcastically, rolling my eyes. They're definitely scared. Or, at the very least, they are uncomfortable.

"We just don't want you here. You're a freak. Some people in the team are too scared to play now, because who knows what you can do?" Nathan explains to me.

"I'm the freak? Really? Even though I saved your lives from those creepy ass monsters down in those caves? And have saved you all from sirens before? Those monsters aren't the freaks, but I am? And you really think that I would hurt you? If I wanted to destroy this town, I would have done so a long time ago. As it so happens, I want to protect it." I snap, now starting to get angry. People are hating me and Ben just for saving their lives. What the hell? That makes no sense!

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