121: A Banshee's Nightmare

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Lydia POV


I walk down a hallway nervously and I can hear strange whispers surrounding me, but I can't quite understand what they are saying. The light above me flickers every now and again while I walk down this eerie hallway. I look around me with curiosity, and I can see that I'm in some abandoned house. The faint sounds of pained screams ring in my head, and it's enough for me to stop walking for a moment and place my hands to my head and squeeze my eyes tight shut, afraid that my head might explode from the noise and pain. My heart rate starts increasing and my breathing becomes more rapid.

After a few moments, I manage to get a hold of myself, opening my eyes and letting my hands drop to my side. I just have to try and ignore the screams that are sounding in my head, accompanied with the sounds of gun shots, chairs falling and choking noises. I gaze into a room that is on my right and see that there is a chair knocked over and a noose hanging from the ceiling. There's a gun and a lot of blood on the floor as well. I gulp nervously, knowing that someone ended their life in here.

I take in a deep breath, gulping down my fear before I continue walking down the creepy hallway, the light continuing to flicker above me. The voices in my ears continue to whisper incoherent things, but they are starting to get louder. I want to ask if someone is here, but at the same time, I know that I shouldn't risk it. There will be nothing good lurking in the dark. I stare down at the door right at the end of the hall. It is open just a crack, and I have a bad feeling that is where I need to go, even though every instinct in my body is telling me to turn around and run as far away from that door as possible. I sigh quietly to myself, hating how I always end up in these situations before I start moving towards the door, more swiftly now.

Once I reach the door and shakily reach my hand out to grab the handle, the whispering around me suddenly seems to stop, which makes me even more nervous. My heart drops and I can't help but hold my breath as I continue staring at the door with wide and fearful eyes, expecting some sort of monster to come out and grab me. However, none of that happens. I glance around me quickly to see that the hallway behind me seems to stretch on forever with no end, and all the doors that were previously there are now gone. I guess it is forcing me to go through this current door, even though I really don't want to. I'm not sure why I'm so terrified about this door in front of me, but I just know that nothing good will be waiting for me on the other side.

After a few more moments of consideration, I decide that I just need to get this over and done with. I turn back to face the door right in front of me, my hand still on the handle. I take in a shaky breath and stand up a little taller before I twist the handle and open up the door to reveal... blackness. Just pure darkness. I frown in confusion and start walking into the darkness, wondering if there is something more to this.

Suddenly, everything around me goes pitch black and I can feel myself falling, and falling fast, my hair whipping all around me. I gasp in shock and flail around a little, trying to grab onto something that could slow my fall. I look around me desperately, but all I can see is blackness, and I think that makes me even more afraid. Suddenly, the whispers start coming back again, but the voices are more familiar this time.

"This is my fault, all my fault..." I hear Stiles' voice cry into the darkness.

"I can't do this anymore, I can't. I don't want to lose anyone else!" Isaac voice exclaims loudly from all around me.

"There is no Plan B. Not this time. This is the only way..." Scott's voice states plainly, and I can hear the sadness and pain behind it. I continue looking around desperately, trying to find the source of the voices, even in this pure darkness, but of course I have no such luck.

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