25: Nearly Time

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Stiles POV

I can't sleep tonight. I'm too restless. I toss and turn in bed, trying to find a more comfortable position, but it's no use. I'm too worried about what will happen tomorrow on the full moon. I'm scared that Tristan will outsmart us and get away with converting Scott into a siren. Sure, Kara and I broke Scott out of Tristan's siren spell tonight, but he will obviously try again tomorrow. Scott was really dazed when Kara and I broke him free of the spell. He hardly remembers anything from the whole week since the sirens have been here. Kara and I decide that we won't tell Scott what is really going on, as it will just freak him out. Besides, if Tristan does put Scott into another trance, then telling him the truth won't matter anyway, since Scott will forget it all over again. I just told Scott that everything is fine and that he just knocked his head really hard at school today. I'm not entirely sure that Scott believed me, but Kara backed me up, so Scott didn't question it, thankfully.

I groan as I roll over in bed again, no closer to getting any sleep. I wrap the covers tightly around me, trying to keep myself comfortable and warm. Images of the full moon flash before my eyes as well as many images of sirens. Their shrieks seem to ring in my ears, making me shiver. I place pillows over my ears to try and block out the noise, even though it is internal and is only happening in my mind. Still, it helps a little bit. I just don't want anything to happen to Scott. He doesn't deserve to be hurt again. Seriously, if the bad guys want to get to me, then just take me, not anyone else, especially Scott. If they are going to kill or torture anyone, please just let it be me. Scott has been played with enough and has his own enemies to face. I just really hope that Macy is on our side and hasn't lead us into a trap. That would just be awful. If she has lead us down on the wrong path, I would be really upset, especially if our decisions made it easier for Tristan to give Scott the Kiss of Death. Actually, I'd probably cry. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. There's no point getting worked up over all of this now. I've still got tomorrow to keep Tristan away from Scott. Maybe I should just use the chant and disintegrate Tristan, but I'm worried that Macy will be close by and would disintegrate too. Even though I'm scared she might betray Kara and I, I still don't want to see her hurt. I don't like seeing people hurt or killed. It pains me to see it. I don't know why, I guess that's just a part of who I am. Okay, so there may be exceptions to those rules. Like Theo. I hated Theo. Then again, when Samantha had killed Theo so suddenly, I was shocked. I didn't even know what to feel. It's weird. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Yeah, my mind goes on weird trains of thought in the middle of the night.

I groan and whimper in frustration again as I roll over once again, trying to get myself to relax. I yelp in surprise as I feel myself falling to the ground with a thump. I open my eyes in a startled manner. "Ugh." I mutter in pain as I pick myself up from the ground and crawl back into bed again, my side hurting from where it landed on the ground. I sigh to myself and pull the covers up to my neck and I close my eyes once again. "Come on, Stiles. Just go to sleep. You can't save Scott if you're a tired mess that can't even stand up." I mumble to myself. Of course, that doesn't help either. My mind is still buzzing with worry and fear. Scott's face fills my mind, one minute happy, smiling and laughing and then the next minute, a horrifying image of Scott as a siren appears in my mind, the shrill screeching hitting my ears unpleasantly. I keep tossing and turning and readjusting my position as I try to push those thoughts out of my mind.

I whimper and I feel my eyes sting even if they are closed. I feel a few tears drip down my face. I then bury my head into the pillow, wondering if maybe this could help. After a few moments, I decide that all it is doing is just preventing me from breathing, so I lift my face out of the pillow with a small gasp. I then curl up into a tight little ball under the bed covers and squeeze my eyes tight shut, trying to hide myself away from the world, as if that might be able to help me. My breathing starts to shorten and my heartbeat starts to quicken as my body trembles slightly. I can barely breathe and I feel a bit dizzy so I quickly sit up and open my eyes, breathing heavily. I look down to see that I have kicked the quilt off my bed. I sigh in annoyance, running a hand through my hair. At this rate, I won't be getting any sleep. At all. I take a deep breath to calm myself down and settle my heart rate. There's no use panicking yet.

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