82: Reassurances

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Scott POV

When we finally get back to my house, we don't end up watching Star Wars. We do something much better. Instead of watching Stiles' all-time favorite movie series, we go up to my bedroom, close the door behind us and start making out, quite passionately, might I say. I have Stiles pressed up against the door, both of our eyes closed, my hands on either side of him, resting on the door, as I continue move my lips in a fluent motion against Stiles', whose lips seem to be in sync with mine. I feel his hands roaming all over my body, exploring it in a desperate way, almost like he's checking to make sure that it's real, that I'm real. Due to this realization, I start to kiss Stiles harder, to really emphasize the point that this is real. I bite down on Stiles' bottom lip slightly and tug it a little, but I'm very careful not to hurt Stiles. Stiles' mouth opens enough for me to slip my tongue into it, where it dances around with Stiles' own tongue as fireworks seem to explode inside of me. Stiles' hands feel hot against my skin. I know he doesn't have heat power, but right now, it feels like his hands and body are on fire.

I press my body closer to Stiles', wanting to feel more of him against me. Stiles' hands find a way under my shirt while my hands drop down and find a way to Stiles' shirt, my fingers curling up in the soft fabric. I hear Stiles hum into the kiss, clearly enjoying it just as much as I am. Eventually, I pull away slightly from the make out session with Stiles, both of us breathless and grinning like idiots. I stare at Stiles for a few moments and he stares back at me. It hurts me a little to know that he can't see me, but I don't let it get to me. I have to be strong for Stiles. Besides, we could be so much worse off right now. Stiles could be dead. Anything is better than that, so I'm really thankful with how things turned out and I'm sure Stiles will get his eyesight back soon. I lean in closer to him again and start kissing his neck hungrily, leaving multiple hickeys on the pale skin, causing Stiles to gasp a little from time to time, his nails digging into my skin a little more. My mouth trails down Stiles' neck, my hands moving his t-shirt down a little to reveal his collarbone, so I start kissing and sucking on that, earning a moan from Stiles, which makes my heart flutter, knowing I can make him feel so good. Stiles' fingernails continue to dig into my skin so sharply that it starts to hurt and I feel like blood might be drawn, but I don't care. I'm a werewolf. I'll heal in seconds.

I continue to kiss and suck at Stiles' collarbone for a while longer before I move back up to kiss at Stiles' neck lustfully. One of Stiles' hands finds a tuft of my hair and tugs on it a little as I continue leaving purple hickeys on his neck. I raise my head a little and rub my cheek against Stiles' for a moment. It feels surprisingly good and helps me show my affection for Stiles. I then press a light kiss to Stiles' cheek before going back to making out with him again, my hands exploring Stiles' body while Stiles explores my own, his hands still under my shirt. After a several more moments, we pull apart, breathing heavily. Stiles buries and nuzzles his face into my neck, his hands wrapping around my back comfortingly. I smile softly and gently place my hands on Stiles' waist.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry about what happened with Moselle... I don't deserve you, I know that. I'm selfish for wanting you after all that has happened. You should be with someone who isn't in danger from evil queens and love potions and all that totally fun stuff... I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow." Stiles whispers into my neck and it hurts for me to hear Stiles talk like that. Thalassa has really damaged him and I hate that most of all. I really wish I could have been there to give her a piece of my mind. I shake my head a little and hold onto Stiles a little more tightly, my hands moving to his chest and gripping onto the front of his shirt desperately, afraid to let him go, like I might lose him forever.

"Don't. Don't. Just don't." I begin, resting my forehead on Stiles' shoulder.

"You don't get to say stuff like that, okay? Just no." I continue firmly. I hate it when Stiles puts himself down like this. He doesn't deserve it. "Why?" Stiles whimpers and I feel the pressure and warmth on my neck disappear, meaning that Stiles pulled away. I don't though. I close my eyes a little as tears form in my eyes. I don't want Stiles to know that I am crying. The tears trickle slowly down my face. "Because I love you and that is not going to change. What happened wasn't your fault, okay? And what you said and did when you were with Moselle... That wasn't you. I know that. I just hope you know that too." I tell him in a quiet, but sincere voice. Even if that was the real Stiles, it would in no way lessen my affections for him. I know that none of this should be easy. I know that we shouldn't be able to fall back into our relationship so easily and everything going back to the way it was. And yet, it is easy. For me, anyway. I'm just so hopelessly in love with Stiles. Things might be different now, I'm not stupid to think that things can be exactly like they were before this whole love potion thing. We've both been through so much pain and suffering and we will never be able to forget it. I know that it would be normal and understanding for Stiles and I to have a break from each other while we try to process all of the recent events, but I don't want to. I just want to be with Stiles and never let go. Is that healthy and good for me to do? I don't know. Ever since I became a werewolf, I have been damaged for one reason or another, so I guess it does affect how I react to things and make me really hold onto the people that I love with everything that I have, which is probably a selfish and unfair thing to do. I have to think about Stiles and what he needs and wants.

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