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111 | Unclear futures.


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    "THIS SHIT ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE." Negan heaved, somewhat agitatedly. "Don't make me do this now, Rick. I got plans for you. Cut you up in little bitty pieces, feed you to the dead, and make you watch. Then, when you're some sort of screwed-up, creepy stump with a head, that's when I'm gonna kill you - in front of everybody."

     Rick and Negan quarrelled like school boys - Rick had been the first to attempt to strike Negan down, and after that the leathered man impulsively retaliated. He had almost hit Rick with his bat covered in silver barbed wire, but it only resulted in the destruction of a couple of floorboards.

     "You ever shut the hell up?" Rick asked Negan, scrambling to his feet.

     "Nope!" Negan replied. He then attempted to throw a punch at the Alexandrian - Rick managed to duck just in time. "You know your kid volunteered to die? What kind of boy you raise, Rick? I'm gonna fix him. 'Cause I like him. A few years, he's gonna be one of my top guys!"

      Rick retaliated at the comment and quickly tried to throw himself at Negan, as though he were a lighted cannon ball. Negan almost stumbled backwards at this - but unsuccessful in his attempt to overpower Negan, Rick was pushed to the floor.

     "When I am done with you, nobody will ever try to do what you did - not ever again! Not your friends, not your son." Negan said in a deep, voice now filled with fury.

       However, unexpectedly, Rick was able to launch a fallen object into Negan's temple and push him onto the floor. Rick seized the opportunity to snatch Lucille out of his hands - instead of using the end wrapped in sharp wire, Rick turned the bat around and used the holding end of the weapon to jab into Negan's chest repeatedly.

        Negan, flat out on the floor, flared his nostrils and eventually was able to force himself onto his boots. He heaved his chest up and down quickly, having exchanged numerous punches with the Alexandrian, Negan was fully prepared for a further fight. His cheek was already throbbing, small droplets of blood trickling down his skin - what was a little more pain?

      Negan rose his gloved hand, ready for the leather to collide into Ricks face, though that did not happen. Rather, filled with adrenaline, Rick scrambled for his gun and pulled the trigger in an effort to gain a few seconds to escape - he succeeded in this.

     The gun having startled him, Negan involuntarily paused. During which time, Rick managed to escape and scramble away - he smashed through a window in the process, but he escaped none the less, leaving behind a trail of broken glass and a trail of small bruises imprinted on Negan's skin.

     "Shit." Negan cussed, watching unhappily as Rick was able to run away again. He'd awaited for his return to Alexandria for a long while, all so that Rick could scurry away with his tail between his legs. Negan wasn't having it - he was about to bomb the hell out of this place.

     Additionally, Negan wasn't completely dissatisfied. For, in the hands of the saviours was the girl of which they seemed to treasure so dearly ; Ophelia.

❦ ❦ ❦

    IT WAS UNCOMFORTABLE AND it was cramped in the tunnels ; the sound of water dripping echoed repeatedly, and the underground tunnel would sometimes make it difficult to breathe. But, the only thing of which Daryl was able to focus on, was his wife.

     He had thought, or hoped rather, that when the sound of shoes climbing down the ladder had reached his ears, that Ophelia had found them - and though he was relieved that when Rick and Michonne appeared, that they were safe, he could not help but feel a pang of disappointment that her blue eyes did not appear.

     He stayed seated, with Judith stumbling around him ; she was a lucky child, he thought, she had little knowledge of all of which was going on around her and managed to smile happily each day - as though death was not lurking around the corner, edging closer and closer each day. Daryl wished that, sometimes, he could do that. But, he only really felt safe when with his love.

      He then proceeded to watch, sadly, as Rick and Michonne edged through the tunnel ; they gradually came closer to the end and laid eyes upon a sickly and pale boy who laid tiredly in the corner of the tunnel: Carl.

     The young teenager had broken out into a nasty sweat, his shirt sticking tightly to his skin. His eyes seemed drained of colour, more grey than blue - the storm within his eyes slowly fading. He was dying.

     Rick and Michonne, with their eyebrows furrowed in a confused manner, watched as Carl lifted up the edges of his shirt to reveal a bite imprinted on his torso ; it looked painful and red, deeply engraved into his skin as though it had been carved with a knife. And it did not matter how much anyone tried to quickly ponder on a solution, it became clear that this was it for the boy, he was dying.

      Even Daryl was troubled by this ; he'd grown to be fond of the boy. Daryl always thought that he was the future - he was meant to live. It wasn't right that he was dying, this was why he hated the world much of the time, because it was a real piece of shit that took away all the good ones. And god knew how Ophelia was going to handle it - because truthfully, Daryl didn't. He didn't know how anyone was going to handle it.

      " I brought him here. That's how it happened." Carl said, his voice hoarse. He then weakly gestured to a young stranger beside him, of who he had rescued. His face was plastered in only one emotion : guilt.

      And for a short while, no one spoke, simply because no one saw this coming. No one could possibly fathom the pain this would cause - to everyone. No one could understand, why it had to be him, Carl, he was one of the ones left who's heart remained filled with purity and hope ; he'd been the future - now it was a blur.


A/N: I know that I could have published this chapter before the mid season premiere - but I needed to see a few episodes of 8B to get a general direction of the story. So, now I'm able to bring back this book with 8B content.

I hope you enjoyed! And if you like Negan, do feel free to check out my recently published Negan fan fic: ubiquitous. I only have two chapters published so far, but it will progress. x

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