Twenty nine: Hickey.

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//Ophelia's POV//

He laid there in the mud as though he had just seen a ghost.

Sighing I grabbed his hand and yanked him up of the ground.

Ignoring his confused expression I wiped him down since he was covered in dirt and mud, although he began to fidget.

"Would you fucking hold still?" I hissed.

He suddenly froze as I began to wipe the Walker blood of his face, softly tracing my fingers over his skin did I realise how close our faces were so I pulled back quickly.

I continued to wipe the mud of his body and when I was done I retrieved the knife the idiot had thrown into the tree and shoved it into his hands.

"Yer angry?" He gulped.

"Why would I be angry? Oh that's right. Because you wondered of in the pouring rain, threw your only weapon into a tree and nearly fucking died!"

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"What if I hadn't of followed you Daryl? You'd be dead and I'd live the rest of my life constantly wondering where you went."

"I said I'm sorry." He grumbled.

"You can't just go out and nearly die Daryl! Your so fucking stupid!" I shouted shoving him with both my hands.

"Fucking annoying piece of-"

Before I could finish he grabbed both my wrists, harshly yet softly, that were against his chest and sighed.

"Why do yer care anyway?"

"I don't." I snarled attempting to pull away but his grip on my wrists only tightened.

"I see righ' through your bullshit."

Taking a deep breath I looked straight into his Georgian orbs and just spat it out.

"...Because I love you asshole."

My eyes watered under the pouring rain and I jerked out of his grip as I threw my hands up in the air angrily before continuing.

"Damn it Daryl I still love you. I always have and I always matter how hard you push me away I can't stop loving you."

I ran my hand though my soaking hair and sighed.

"You were right. I've been colder, meaner...a bitch-"

"No yer weren't-"

"Please just let me finish."

Nodding his head he shifted his weight on each foot as I spoke.

"We've both lost ourselves Daryl. We weren't our old selfs and we said we can't go back. But that's bullshit. We can find our selfs again but we have to work together..."

Taking a deep breath i raised my voice slightly so I could be heard through the pouring rain.

"When my brother died a part of me died with him but when we drifted apart, when I lost you I lost a even bigger part of myself because a big part of me is in you Daryl...and I know this is cheesy but Daryl I love you and-"

I was interrupted by Daryl crashing his lips onto mine.

Despite the pouring rain smashing down on us I moved my lips passionately against his and jumped up so my legs hugged his waist tightly

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Despite the pouring rain smashing down on us I moved my lips passionately against his and jumped up so my legs hugged his waist tightly.

He hands gripped my butt to support my weight as I cupped his face with my hands and deepened the kiss.

Everything was so intense and I was melting under his touch.

We'd both craved this moment the minute we parted.

Slowly pulling away to catch our breaths Daryl pushed a stray piece of my hair out of my face and leant his forehead against mine as he spoke, water droplets trickling down both our faces.

"I'm sorry for wha' I said."

"That doesn't matter now. We screwed up and now we're fixing it."

"And I-"

"Shut up and kiss me redneck." I chuckled.

Grinning my redneck pressed his lips roughly against mine as he slammed my body into one of the trees and began to nip at my neck as I ripped his shirt of.

As his hands and lips began to explore my body I wrapped my arms around his neck ignoring the bark scraping my back and gripped the back of his head tightly as he began to unbutton my jacket.

We had a lot of time to make up for.

The sun was beginning to rise and the rain had stopped. The sky was a lovely peach colour that was slowly fading into a pastel blue. The sun was scorching on my back as my redneck and I began to trudge back to the barn.

As we walked back inside the barn with our fingers intertwined tightly I noticed a few grins and chuckles echo through the room.

Rolling my eyes playfully I sat myself on Daryl's lap as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my temple.

"So you two made up then?" Avery smiled opposite me.

"Took you two long enough." Rosita smirked as she pushed her self up of the ground and over to Abraham.

"Shut up." Daryl lightly chuckled as he leant his chin in the crock of my neck.

"What's that on your neck?" Carl asked furrowing his brows.

Scrunching my face I put my hand on my neck to see what an earth the young boy was referring too.

Looking up I saw every one began to laugh whilst Daryl blushed and his face turned a deep shade of red like he was a damn tomato.

"It's a hickey." Glenn laughed wriggling his brows.

My face instantly became flushed and I slumped further back into Daryl's arms covering my neck with my hands.

"What's a hickey?" Carl asked.

"When a individual applies pressure to ones body part usually the neck by teeth during sexual intercourse." Eugene stated in his monotone voice.

"Eugene!" I snapped playfully hitting his upper arm and turning to face Rick who was trying to talk through his laughter.

"So that's what all the banging and screaming was."

"We thought it was the storm." Avery giggled joining in with Ricks fits of laughter.

"I'm gonna murder every single one of y'all." I joked throwing my bag at Rick.

"Not if I kill em first."

I turned around to face Daryl who had a small grin on his face and I chuckled.

However all the laughter died down immediately when Maggie and Sasha who were keeping watch walked in with a man.

The man had short, curly, brown hair, as he entered the barn he had a warm smile on his face and waved to all of us.

Maggie stepped forward so she was slightly in front of the stranger as she spoke.

"Hey. Everyone, this is Aaron."

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