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( Reunions )


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DARYL KNEW THOSE BLUE EYES ANYWHERE. He didn't need to take a closer look to recognise who he thought had been a ghost.

"Carol." He breathed, widening his eyes.

The woman smiled warmly at everyone, as she emerged out of the trees, happy to see everyone—happy to see her family again. Happy to see that they'd survived this awful place.

Daryl felt overwhelmed with relief and surprise and happiness, all at once, as he looked at his old friend. He didn't think that he'd ever see her again. But here she was, alive and well. And after all that had happened with Beth, he needed his old friend back again—he'd missed her over the past several weeks that he'd been on his own and afraid.

Daryl surged forward and ran over to Carol, quickly engulfing her in a hug. He even lifted her up a little, as he held her in his arms. He'd never felt so relived, so happy before. He'd lost many people ever since the world took a turn; he'd lost his brother, he'd lost Ophelia and he'd lost Beth. He thought he'd lost Carol too. But now that she was here, he nearly, almost felt whole again.

Carol smiled as Daryl put her back down—she'd missed him a great deal also. And she couldn't help the tears swelling in her eyes as she looked at him, as she looked at everyone and took it all in.

She released a heavy breath, one she didn't even know she was holding, as she greeted everybody. She felt whole again. She was with her family again, and despite what she had been through to get them here, she felt at peace with herself.

A moment later, Rick stepped forward. Carol gulped—was he going to send her away again? She didn't blame him if he did.

"Did you do that?" Was all he asked.

Carol nodded, her eyes still watery. She didn't want to leave again.

Rick's frown quickly subsided into a smile, and he found himself wrapping his arms around Carol. She'd saved them all—he wouldn't ever dream of sending her away now, not after she pulled through for them in a time of need. Rick would be forever grateful to her, and he squeezed her tightly as he whispered 'thank you' over and over again.

Eventually, when Rick pulled away, Carol wiped her eyes and nodded over at Avery. Avery had only just walked over, covered in soot and ash, but unharmed.

"Well," Carol sniffled. "I can't take all the credit."

Everyone then turned to look at Avery.

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