Twenty eight: Screwed up.

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Cradling little ass kicker in my arms I cooed her softly back to sleep as the rain got even heavier and the thunder louder.

The little girl whom began to close her eyes grabbed my finger and let out a little baby laugh before finally falling asleep.

Looking up I saw Daryl was leaving the barn. He looked tense as though something was bothering him.

Furrowing my brows I laid baby Judith into her little bed Carl and I had made for her earlier in the day and kissed her small forehead before making my way to the doors to see where the hell that Dixon had wondered of too.

Buttoning up my denim jacket that I still had since the Prison I closed the wooden doors behind me that were full of small cracks in the wood and looked around for his figure although that was hard through the pouring rain.

But I would find him. I needed to. I just needed him safe.

And Carl was right. I needed to talk to him.

Damn Carl was always right.

Griffin made me promise to never stop fighting and I'm gonna honour him by keeping that promise till the very end. I'm gonna fight for that redneck.

It's not that I depend on him nor rely on him. I promised myself I would never ever rely on anyone and I don't. I don't need Daryl in order to survive but I sure as hell need him to live.

He makes me feel alive when the world is dead, he taught me how to love, he gets me. He's lived though the pain I've lived through.

And I am perfectly capable of looking after my self without a man. I'm sure as hell one of the most mother fucking independent women you get but I'm a fucking independent woman in love.

I knew Daryl had built his walls high now, I knew he had distanced himself and closed himself up but I would fight to get that redneck back because i can't bare looking at him everyday and knowing I can't hold him anymore.


//Daryl's POV//

//Daryl's POV//

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I was so lost. I didn't know who I was anymore. I was a lost cause.

Redneck trash.

Pain in the ass.




Every time I looked into Ophelia's eyes I felt awful about what I said.

I said she was like her farther when in fact she was nothing like him. I over reacted. She was right. When she killed that woman I saw Beth. God I'm so helpless. She saved both our asses and there's me whining about it. How has she put up with me for so damn long?

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