Thirty one: Alexandria

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We had finally made it to Alexandria.

Along the way we met Aaron's boyfriend Eric who had hurt his ankle. Eric was a nice man with blonde hair and a chirpy personality.

But I was still having trouble trusting these people.

These people did seem genuine but we still couldn't let our guard down for these people could be cannibals for all we know.

We were outside these big, thick walls which guarded their community as we waited to go in.

It was a warm day and the sun was scorching but it was bearable. I don't think I've ever faced a day that was more hot than the day we were burying and burning bodies back at the camp in Atlanta though.

Oh how long ago that was yet I can remember it like it was yesterday. I smiled at the thought of all the people that were there...T-dog, Jacquie, Lori, Sophia, Dale, Andrea, Griffin...hell even Shane. I wonder what they would be like now.

Would Sophia still have short hair? Would T-dog still be as funny? Would Lori still be fucking Shane?

Would they like this place?

I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard Daryl's crossbow being used.

I jerked my head over towards Daryl who was holding a freshly caught possum in his hands with a smug look on his face.

I jerked my head over towards Daryl who was holding a freshly caught possum in his hands with a smug look on his face

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Sighing I walked over towards him and intertwined our fingers as the gate was opened by a man on the inside.

As everyone began to walk in I felt Daryl's grip tighten on my hand and I smiled softly to myself.

As everyone began to walk in I felt Daryl's grip tighten on my hand and I smiled softly to myself

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"Come on in." Aaron smiled motioning with his arms for us to follow.

As I walked further in my jaw dropped. This looked like an untouched neighbourhood. There were houses, gardens and people that weren't covered in blood and dirt.

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