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( The priest )

       "HELP, HELP!"

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The screams of a terrified man.

The group had spent a while wondering the woods aimlessly in search for somewhere, anywhere, that they could rest. But, the terrified pleads for help that hollered at them though the woods, just might have been the answer to all their prayers.

Rick was the first to run forwards to the source of the mortified pleads for help, and the rest of the group quickly followed, each pulling out their knives as the pleads for help were soon accompanied by the growls of walkers.

When the group all arrived to the scene, they weren't surprised to see it was a priest who had climbed up and got himself stuck on a rock, a rock that was now surrounded by walkers snarling at him, trying to get to him. But, they were surprised to see a priest at all, in an apocalypse.

Everybody was quick to discard of a walker quickly, and they all soon ended up laying on the ground, lifeless.

"Come on down," Rick said once all the walkers were dead.

The priest nodded, but first he held up a finger, and turned the other way, taking a moment to throw up. The group all wrinkled their noses in discontent.

When he was finished, he climbed down from the rock and brushed himself down.

"Sorry." He said, locking his hands in front of him.

Rick pauses. "You okay?"

"Yes, thank you." He says with a small smile. "I'm Gabriel."

"You got any weapons on you, Gabriel?"

Gabriel laughed at the suggestion. "Does it look like I've got any weapons?"

"We don't give two short and curly's what it looks like." Abraham retorted, eyeing him suspiciously.

Gabriel sighed. "I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need."

Ophelia arched a brow, seriously? She wondered if he'd been living under that rock.

"Sure didn't look like it." Daryl scoffed.

"I called for help. Help came..." The priest smiled. "Do you-do you have any food? Whatever I had-had left, it just hit the ground."

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