Seventy nine: For the future.

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I heard two bangs, but I was only hit once. So I assumed someone else must have been shot too. But I preyed to God my baby was okay.

There was a ringing in my ears and my vision was blurry as I blinked, I could feel a throbbing pain in my hip but I felt as though I was choking. The smell of fresh blood was real as I felt the gravel dig into my back.

I could hear voices but everything was a blur, I didn't know what was going on, who was hovering over me but I felt a shadow cast over me and I could faintly hear a deep voice.

"God damn it sweetheart."

The voice sounded agitated and from the deepness of the voice I could only assume it was Negan who for some reason didn't want me dead.

I could feel the ringing in my ears slowly fade, my vision coming back as I felt myself being picked up by a pair of arms. And I didn't have to look to see it was Rick who was jogging towards the infirmary with me against his chest.

Although everything felt fuzzy, I could see Negan was having harsh words with Arat, it looked like he was shouting at the top of his lungs before I disappeared into the building and as I dipped in and out of consciousness I felt my self being laid down.

I felt my gunshot wound being pressed and looking to my side did I see a sheriff hat, I couldn't really see his face, my vision was stil blurry, but the hat told me it was Carl.

And I'm guessing Tara was the person rushing around trying to find some equipment, since Denise had taught her some medical shit, she was the best person at Alexandria to go to if you had a health problem or were on the verge of death.

"Ophelia I need you to stay still or this will all go wrong." I heard Tara say.

I didn't have to look to see she was going to try and pull my bullet out, I just hoped this worked, if not for me then at least my baby.

I curled my fingers tightly around both Carl's and Ricks hands as I gritted my teeth and braced myself for the pain. I knew this was going to hurt like a bitch.

The moment I felt my wound being touched did I let out a deafening screech, breaking out into a sweat did I involuntarily try and wriggle away. It was my bodies natural reaction.

"Hold her down!"

I felt both my arms being gripped as I screeched out in agony, the throbbing pain was killing me and all I could do was scream at the top of my lungs. My hair was sticking to my sweaty face and my the grip on my limbs was tightening as I tried to escape.

I latched onto absolutely anything I could find since the two men had to let go of my hands to hold me down, and so I ended up grasping Carl's flannel as he tried to keep me calm. The pain, oh the pain was so agonising I couldn't stay still.

"Ophelia, I know how you feel. I know it's hard but you need to stay calm."

Somehow Carl's voice did soothe me. Well he was right. He knew how I felt. He had been shot a few years ago by the farm and I can't begin to imagine the pain he went through since the bullet was higher up.

As the pain intensified even more did I feel my eyes slam shut, the last thing I saw was Rick and Carl hovering over me, fear all over their faces.


I was laying on my good side when I woke up, my eyes felt heavy and my throat dry and sore. The pain in my hip was barely there, but it still hurt like hell. I assumed I'd been given some strong ass pain killers or something, because being on the verge of death wasn't meant to not hurt.

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