Eighty nine: Late night talks.

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"Fuck you."

I was currently laying down on the double bed me and Daryl shared at the hilltop. And unfortunately for me he was making sure I was getting that bed rest the doctor prescribed.

"Yer need the rest."

He had a smug look painted on his face as he plumped his pillow and adjusted his position so he could get comfortable.

"It's been 5 days Daryl. 5 damn days and I haven't left this room...much."

"Well get used to it. I ain't riskin' yours or our boys life."

Yep. You heard correctly. We were having a boy, which meant I had to stay in a lot and I didn't get me any foot massages which sucked, because my feet felt like bricks. If that even made sense.

Gently planting a small kiss on my forehead did he lean over to the lamp, the only source of light within the small room, and turn the switch, which plunged the room into darkness.

And it wasn't long, before his long, deafening snores filled the room and I found my self staring up at the ceiling, utterly bored. All I did was sleep. Literally.

So naturally when night came I was never tired. No amount of Daryl's efforts to get me to sleep at night worked, but I would pretend to sleep. Because I felt a little bad, he did only want to protect me and our unborn child.

Tossing and turning as each long, and agonising hour of the night passed did I see a shadow cast across the small window on the wall.

Apart from myself, who else would be awake at 2:45 in the morning?

I was getting hot and bothered, Daryl's arm was draped over me and I just felt so damn bored and moody. I wanted to get out and do stuff, my wound was almost healed, I could get the stitches out in a few days, and my headaches and dizzy spins were decreasing each day.

Huffing did I slither out from under the soft duvet which felt soft against my skin and carefully pick up Daryl's muscular arm by his wrist.

I picked up a plump pillow from my side and wrapped Daryl's arm around it so he wouldn't notice my absence. He was a deep sleeper, I was 98% sure he wouldn't notice.

Sneaking out of the room and gently closing the thin door behind me did I bury my arms into my leather jacket as I strolled around the hilltop.

The crickets chirping could be heard, the owls hooting sent a calming effect to hover over me, and although the strong night time breeze was freezing my fingertips, I focused on the moon beaming down on the hilltop, it was quite pretty.

Rubbing my hands together did I find myself standing by the gate, I just looked up at the sky and embraced the 100 thoughts rushing through my mind.

How would we fight the saviours? Who were these junkyard people? Where the fuck is Avery? What if I give birth at the most inconvenient time? What if I don't make it like Lori didn't?

I had many more questions, but was interrupted as a familiar man whom wore a beanie found himself standing next to me within his typical trench coat.

No one spoke at first, it was pretty silent until I broke it.

"You're up late."

"Couldn't sleep. I'm guessing you couldn't either by the looks of it?"

"Nah. All I do is sleep. I'm sick of the thing now."

A small chuckle escaped Jesus's lips as he too looked up at the sky, it was pretty bare, there were no stars or cotton clouds. Just blackness and a moon.

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