Forty five: Pete vs Rick.

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//Ophelia's POV//

Waking up this morning did I stretch my arms above my head feeling better.

The place next to me where Daryl slept was still warm ish and I dreaded the fact that tonight it would once again be cold.

Sighing I was about to get up until I heard a knock on the door.

Furrowing my brows at the unexpected visitor I took a breath of relief to see it was only Glenn.

"Hey Glenn."

"Hey Ophelia are you feeling better?"

"Yeah I am."

"I brought you over some cookies."

"You bake?" I chuckled arching a brow as he sat himself at the end of the bed and handed me the cookies.

"No they're from Carol." He smiled chuckling with me slightly.

"Oh yeah how is everyone? Rosita? Avery? Sasha? Maggie? Eugene? Carol? Carl? Judith? Rick? Abraham? Tara? Michonne? Enid? Jessie? Noah? I ain't seen nobody for days."

"Everyone's good. Except..."


"Noah died."

"Oh..oh Glenn I'm so sorry. He was a good man."

"He was. Just wish I could have saved him."

"It's not your fault. But hey. At least he's with Beth now." I smiled trying to reassure the man.

"Ophelia I hate to say this kind of stink."

Arching a brow I took a pillow from the bed and chucked it at Glenn.

The pillow hit his head and I clapped my hands together at my victory.

"Next time it won't be a pillow Rhee." I laughed.

"Alright alright I take it back." He chuckled holding his hands up.

" He chuckled holding his hands up

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"Your right though. I'll go shower right now. Thank you for the cookies."

"No problem."


Deciding I was well enough to go outside I shoved my knife into my combat boot and made my way outside.

I embraced the sun beaming down on my pores and took a deep breath of the fresh air I had been deprived of lately.

But that moment of calmness was all ruined when Carl came running over to me tugging on my sleeve.

"What is it bud?" I asked as he began pulling me away somewhere.

"Dads lost it."

Furrowing my brows I began to pick up my pace to see Rick and Pete in the middle of a fight.

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