Ninety six: Unexpected battle.

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It was very tense to say the least, as the junkyard people slowly emerged from their piles of rubbish.

I stood close behind Negan as I looked around, two things echoing throughout my mind: which one of these assholes killed Avery and weren't these the people who were suppose to be helping us?

A tall, calm women whom had brown hair which was cut short into a bob, with a weird fringe on her forehead was the first to speak as she stood confidently.



Janice began to look around her, watching as all the saviours surrounded their camp with weapons in their hands and scowls on their faces.

Locking her eyes onto mine did I involuntarily cringe. She creeped me out with that hair cut and she was a traitor. Because of her my plans were about to be a whole lot harder. But not impossible. There would be hell to pay otherwise.

"Who's the girl?"

"She's none of your business. That's who she is." Negan snapped, preventing me from answering.

Janice held her hands up in the air, silently apologising did I find her gaze would flick over on to me every now and again. To be honest I felt tempted to waste this one shot on her.

"Why are you here? Something wrong with the deal?"

"The deal?" Negan chuckled, pointing his finger over at the junk yard people. "You mean the deal you and your trashy people broke?"

"We've broken no deal."

"Bullshit." I hissed.

"We've honoured it." She insisted. "We've done no wrong."

"Hey. Hey, hey! Eyes on me." Negan barked, clicking his fingers to get Janice's gaze of me and onto him. "You keep your eyes on me sunshine."

"What do you want?"

"What I want, is to know why you can't fucking follow a simple deal Janice. I knew you were a dumbass, I mean you live in trash, but I thought you had a brain in there somewhere."

"We haven't done anything." She shrugged.

"Are you callin' me a liar?"

Negans expression had turned serious, that's when you knew he was starting to get pissed.

"No." She grumbled. "So do tell us what we've supposedly done."

"You-oh my- you have just gone and done exactly what I told you not to do." He huffed. "You, have touched my property."

"Have we? I don't recall."


"Yes boss?" He asked.

"Did she just get sassy with me or am I imagining things?"

"Nope. She sassed you boss."

"Now Janice, I thought we established that, that was a no-no." He sighed. "Now, where were we?"

"Revenge." I whispered. "Hurry up."

"Alright sweetheart, you don't need to tell me twice."

Looking back over at Janice did he raise his voice, it sounding pissed of and done.

"You may or may not know of a blonde girl called Avery. She was my property and one of y'all dumbasses killed her."

"She wasn't your property. She was a person." I growled.

"Nows not the times for that missy." Simon whispered before I could argue anymore,

"We've killed a lot of blondies. You're gonna have to be more specific." Janice shrugged.

"She was super hot. You idiots shot her last week. She was alone."

Janice processed negans words before she simply shrugged. Something she seemed to do a lot.

"What's done is done. Can't bring her back."

"Oh I know you know who did it." Negan growled. "Make em step up Janice before I beat the holy hell out of one of y'all."


Negan raised both his brows as he looked at Janice like she had offended him in the worst way possible. Hell she had, Negan didn't like being defied.

"Okay." He laughed. "Okay then. Guys, get a gun to the back their heads."

I watched as a saviour each pointed a gun to the back of each trashy persons head, much like they did to our group when Negan was tormenting Rick and Carl. That night still sent shivers down my spine.

Janice was the only one without a gun to her head but was forced on her knees by Simon as Negan looked down on her, a small smirk stretching on his lips.

"Each minute, one of these sorry fucks is gonna die until you tell me who the hell shot blondie. If you still don't tell me then you're gonna lose your whole damn community and I'll just sling you in a cell so you can stew on it."

She paused as she studied Negan.

"Why do you care so much about us killing one of them? You'll be killing more tomorrow will you not?"

"You're not wrong. But you also defied my orders Janice. And I told you once before, and I'll say it again, not one of bit of that shit flies here. Okay? It's more productive to break em."

Arching his back did he point Lucille over at a fellow junkyard civilian awaiting for Janice to spill the beans.

"60 seconds darlin'."

But still within that time she didn't speak and so the saviour stood behind the citizen pulled the trigger, spilling brains and blood everywhere. To think that could have been one of us on that night secretly terrified me.

In the next 3 minutes, another 3 souls had been lost, a part of me did feel guilty, but these people were traitors and were going to try and kill my family tomorrow. It was them or home.
But there wasn't anything I could do to stop it anyway. So I preyed someone would just own up instead of cowering in the corner.

As another trigger was about to be pulled did someone finally speak up. About time.

"It was me."

I turned to face the older man who had owned up. His hair was brown with grey roots whilst his teeth were yellow and crooked. His voice was raspy and deep as he owned up.

"About damn time! God you people are slow." Negan bellowed. "Alright darlin' take you're shot."

I swallowed harshly as I walked over to the man, my brain was telling me to pull the trigger, but my hand was telling me otherwise so instead I asked him why he did it.

But it was the moment that about 15 junkyard civilians began to attack us with guns and blades as they charged at us from behind huge piles of rubbish did I wish I had pulled the trigger.

Not another battle. God I thought a war was enough.

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