Ninety eight: Sabotage.

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Stuffing another pack of bullets in the duffel bag I had stolen did I release a long and heavy breath as I heard the battle begin to ease. Either the saviours had killed them all, or the junkyard gave up. I was leaning towards the second but we would see tomorrow.

Anyhow, whilst the saviours were fighting for the last 20 minutes I had managed to take out the bullets of just over half their guns, which meant a lot of their poxy guns wouldn't work if they attacked Alexandria tomorrow.

You may call it sabotage...I call it...sabotage too. But if it saved my family I didn't mind a little sabotage.

I almost chuckled out loud at the thought of all the looks on all their faces when their guns wouldn't work. It would defiantly be something to remember.

I would have taken more bullets to make more of their weapons useless, but that would have been too obvious. I had to leave some weapons so they wouldn't get suspicious. I was sure they would check the guns in the front of each lorry, so those are the ones I left the bullets in.

Upon hearing footsteps did I realise now was the time to leave, and fast. I knew Negan wasn't going to be a happy bunny.

Slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder did I take a deep breath before legging it over towards the forest, I cursed under my breath as I looked up at the sky. It was going to be dark soon, I'd have to spend the night in the woods.

Hearing their footsteps get closer did I desperately look for a tree to find, the forest is the first place they'd look for me so I swung the duffel back over the branch and pulled myself up the large oak tree so I was out of sight.

Leaning against the branch so I could regain my breath did I look over at the lories to see the saviours filtering out, looking extremely tense and nervous but it didn't take rocket science to understand why.

Negan was awake, and he was pissed.

I hoped he would sleep this one of because he wasn't going to find me before tomorrow.

"Simon, radio Dwight, tell em to keep an eye out for Ophelia. She's in some serious shit and if you sorry fucks don't find her I'm seriously going to lose my shit!"

Well crap.

I watched through the branches as the saviours spread out, a few taking guns with no bullets, a few taking blades instead.

Meanwhile I tried very hard to remain absolutely silent. I didn't so much as breathe whilst I could see them under my tree, scouting the Forrest.

Arat was the closest of them all to finding me as she stood next to Negan right under my tree. For a moment I thought they knew I was here, that they were teasing me but when they stormed off still frustrated as ever I knew I hadn't been spotted.

Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding did I lean my head against the trunk of the tree and although the bark was rubbing against my back I just shrugged it off. It was either this or sleeping on the floor with the constant threat of walkers. Although nothing could be as bad as the time I got trapped in a snare.

Sighing did I look up at the sky, and I wondered if Daryl was looking up at it too. The only thing providing comfort right now was that he was under the same sky, looking at the same stars, chilly in the same night breeze.

Although it was now dark and the saviours had gone I made every effort to be quite still. You never know who's really with you after all.

The feeling of my baby kicking made me chuckle, it sort of cheered me up in a sense, like he was reminding me I wasn't alone.

As much as i wanted to think and dream about my baby boy for the rest of the night I knew I had to think about tomorrow.

I didn't know what time the saviours would arrive at Alexandria exactly so I figured I would  just leave the moment sun rises.

The sounds of the crickets chirping and the owls hooting was enough to calm my tense self. Tomorrow was either going to go horribly wrong, or wonderful. I preyed for the second.

Looking at the rope tied around my finger did I just admire it as I thought of the rope that was tired around Daryl's finger. I wondered if he had been looking at his.

Huffing did I force my green orbs shut as I leant my head back, honestly I just wanted to get back home to Daryl.


Hey, I'm sorry this chapter is short but tomorrow she's gonna get back to Alexandria wooop woop

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