Chapter 54

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Hey!! It's Peyton, and BTWs, love you all. But I realized-THIS IS CHAPTER 54. HOLY SHIZNET! I mean, we're this far?? This is around when we ended the first book, and now we're so far in this and still, close to no time has passed in this book... How are we suppose to end a series when no time is passed? Want to know how? WE CAN'T! Gotta talk to Livvy and see how this is all going to play out, but I really hope you guys are all enjoying the story, and comment your thoughts! By the way, ghosts out there... WHY ARE YOU HERE. Like seriously, I hate how you have "fans" when they're just ghosts following random people who don't write anything.. like wth... but whatever! To FREAKING CHAPTER 54!

"Harry! Put me do-OH MY GOD PLEASE PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked, squirming, as Harry held my bridal style as he decended the stairs. "Harry! Harry don't drop me!!" I wined, clinging for dear live.

Harry laughed. He just laughed at me! Harsh... "Stop squirming and I wont!" He reached the last step, and I flung myself from him and placed my hand on the wall, gasping.

"Evil." I hissed. I was still in my pajamas, Earlier this morning I had been sleeping happily, and next thing I was in the hallway being carried by Harry. "Honestly, I was sleeping!"

"That would explain why it was so easy to pick you up without you starting to yell at me." He smiled at me.

I glared at him. "Aww, you fight like an old married couple!" Gemma squealed, coming behind us from the kitchen. My face flushed at the thought. Me and Harry? Married? I couldn't help but smile a little as well, and tried to hide my face.

"Aw!" She chirped. Was she.. fangirling?

Harry smiled cheekily at me, and I stuck out my toung and crossed my eyes for a moment. Then I laughed a bit before going towards the kitchen. My stomach knows what it wants, and right now, it wanted breakfast.

Walking in, I saw Anne, Harry's mum, had made cinnamon rolls. I smiled. "Would you like one sweetheart? You aren't allergic, are you?"

"I would love one, thank you. And no, I don't have any allergies. So if you're making anything, don't worry about me, I'll have anything." I smiled happily at her, and suddenly arms snaked their way around my waist and Harry's head appeared on miy shoulder. I turned my head to look at him and he pecked my lips.

"Well hello, there." I laughed. Moments lie this were ones I use to always crave. Now I had it. Suddenly all those words like 'someone will come for you one day' don't seem so dumb anymore. It already happened.

Then it hit me.

I've never fully felt like this before. I felt lightweight, happy, carefree... all the time! Harry.. he was mine. I don't want to loose him. And this isn't something I can plane out to make go right like I usually do. This, i'm forced to play it out. And suddenly I felt horrified.

But luckily for me, I'm not one to show it.

"Hi!" He smiled at me, and then reached around me for a cinnamon roll after releasing me. I took one as well. He had frosting on his lips and I laughed.

"You got some frosting, there." I pointed out.

"Then clean it off." He said, and kissed me again, lasting it a moment or two.

"Hey!" I wined, licking off the frosting that was not stuck to my lips.

"I love you?" He said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "I love you too, ye doof."

I ate my roll, along with one or two others, before going back upstairs. I went to Harry's room and searched through my bag for something to wear. I pulled out some jeans and a sweater.

"How 'bout you give me a bit of a show?" Harry joked, coming in behind me.

"Yeah.. no. Not happening cheeky boy." I said, and poked his nose. He fakely pouted.


"No." I said, before changing in the bathroom, the door locked, of course.

Harry sat lie a couch potato, watching a movie in his room comfortably. I hadn't wanted to watch the movie, I wasn't sure what it was, but it didn;t sount very interesting. Instead I sat downstairs with Gemma, whilst Anne was out.

"So how long have you been dating?"

I paused. "Um.. I'm not quite sure.. I have it in my phone.. sorry, I never was one to remember exact dates. I probably will eventually, but as of now I haven't the slightest idea."

She laughed. "Wooooooow." She said shaking her head. "Harry is."

I bit my lips. "Yikes! I better remember before he tells me its our year annaversary and I forgot!" I joked and we both started laughing.

"How did you meet?"

"Funny, sorta. Him and Liam were just being nice. So, you see It was mine and Liv's birthday. We went out for a fancy dinner, but my parents started fighting and left early. Olivia, being the more sympathetic and soft one I suppose.. she was crying and I just was comforting her. Then suddenly Harry and Liam came from nowhere asking if she was alright. Thing was, Liv was a major directioner. Me? SO wasn't! I was completely rude, and Olivia asked for an autograph. When we left, I looked at it and saw Liam's phone number and Liv freaked so much I swear she would have crashed the car. She examined it closer, and being the cockey guy he was, Harry had written his in the next page as well saying for me to call him sometime."

"Oh, god, Harry!" She laughed. "So how are your parents doing? Felt like getting away from them for the holidays?"

"Well.." My voice caught a bit. "Actually I wish I could spend it with them both. But we actually had some family drama. Turns out my dad wasn't my dad, so he left. Then my mum.." A tear slipped, and I couldn't hold it. My voice cracked. "She passed away after that while we were on tour with the boys. I felt terrible not being there when it happened.."

"Oh my god i'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked-"

"You didn't know."

I shook my hear and wiped away my lone tear. "It's alright, I'm fine. So.. um, what's exactly going on for christman?" I asked.

"Oh, well, we were just going to have a small family gathering. Me, you, Harry, Mum, and our step dad."

"Oh, I haven't met him."

"Oh you will, he's just on a business trip. He should be back in time, though." She assured me.

"Well alright." I nodded. We continued our chat, but I couldn't help but feel bored and want to go out and do something. But I didn't know what. I had near no money due to the fact I don't have a job.. I don't have the time! Then there's the face of colledge. Was I even going? Could I even go?

When did things get so complicated? I have no money, and I feel like i'm intruding to ask Harry. Money doesn't appear from nowhere! Ugh.

Thanks for reading-filler chapter really. Please check out my new story "Time Flex" on my personal @PeytonCBrewer too! I'll give you a shoutout if you message me your thoughts of it :)

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