I hear the door squeak open right after it had shut."Hey Peyton." someone sighed, not Liviee. "Long time, no see..."

Liam? No way!

I heard a chair drop next to the bed and for the millionth time my hand to be taken in someone else's.

Before I had believed I was dead, but then blind when i heard things without seeing things, but then I noticed I couldn't move. People started mentioning "coma" and eventually I accepted the fate. I believe that eventually the coma will become my death. Before it seemed horrible, but now I just accept it. I'm going to die. End of story.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." he spoke, "Since the accident nothing has normal. Harry isn't himself, Olivia is saying she loves me.. but thats what worries me most. I think she wants somebody to hold her.. from worry over you. All anybody wants is for you to be okay.." I heard a loud sniff. Is he crying? He Is! He's all choked up!

"if you aren't okay, Harry want be okay. There goes the band. If you aren't okay, Liv wont be. Then neither will I. The doctor told me you've given up on hope .. there isn't a chance I'll tell Olivia or Harry. But he says before you were fighting, so close to waking up. But now he says it's obvious you've stopped... and you're so far goes that if you done't fight again, now, the you wont come back. Please.. Peyton I really hope you can hear me! Or else you're never going to come back."

Suddenly his precense was gone. No! Come back! This isn't my fault... I cant..I cant do that! No! Stay Li! I have to wake up! I have to!!

I heard the heart monitor speed up. "Peyton?" he asked worried. He was still here?

It continued to speed up. "You heard me didn't you!" He yelled panicked. "Get a doctor in here!" he yelled. The monitor seemed to be going crazy. I can live!? What!

Liam's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry, you have to leave." a worried nurse told me. She was attempting to push me out the door as other doctors flooded the room.

"No! You don't understand I have stay!" I pleaded.

"Sir, she's in critical condition, we have to understand what's going on before you can see her!" she shoved me out the door and the door slammed to a shut in front of me.

No! If she goes, so does everything else. It'll be the end of everything!

I made my way into the waiting room, my palms sweating. My phone rang.

"Liam?" Harry asked. "Where are you?"

"Hospital! Get here, now! I don't know what's going on with her! Hurry!" I held onto a arm rest and collapsed onto the chair. Now, it's up to her about what happens. The future of us all.

"What!? What's wrong! Is she okay! Is she dieing! Waking!?" He shouted.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed, "Just get here and figure out yourself for crying outloud!"

"Don't yell at me! Im on my way!" He hung up and I stared at the phone. I thought of the day I met Olivia and Peyton. Olivia been crying about her parents.. who're gone now. Peyton had only wanted us leave them alone. To stay out of their problems, and let her handle it.

I started to sob and put my head in my hands. Somehow this is my fault. What if we had listened to Peyton that day.. what if... my God so many horrible things.

They've gone through so much. I don't even know how these girls cope with life itself anymore. They have lost their parents, nearly each other.

Soon enough Harry burst thought door with everyone trailing him. "What happened!? Is she okay?" he blurted.

"I-i don't know.. it's up to her mate."

Separated(Book Two In The Feel The Payne Cupcake Trilogy)©Where stories live. Discover now