Chapter 41

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~Love Livie🎶

Chapter 41

HARRY POV(interesting aye?)

So this is what it feels like to be in the hospital? God, Peyton is right. This sucks. My leg is killing me! I open my eyes to the fluorescent lights and groan.

"Harry! Oh my god, Harry how are you feeling? Do you need a doctor? Are you in pain? What happened? How did you find Peyton? Wh-"

"LIV!" I cut her off.

"What?" She asks innocently. She's so different from Peyton it's scary.

"Cool it with the 20 questions. And I'm fine. So just... chill. And how did you find us? Is Peyton okay? Are you okay? Am I okay? My leg is hurting a bit but I can live with it." I ask, worried about my girl. She bursts into hysterics and grabs my hand.

"H-harry. I-I thought you were dead! You were just sitting there, motionless, and then that Gavin dude shot me. And I mean, what was I thinking? That I could go up against a gun with a kitchen knife? H-he shot Peyton. And you and me. I'm okay, he missed any vital organs or muscles. B-but, apparently, when Peyton was knocked out he shot her and-and it's bad news Hazz." She hiccups and sobs a bit before continuing. "She's in a coma. Harry, her body went into shock after he shot her, and the ambulance was too late. Harry... I'm scared." She whispers the last part and I hug her and don't let go.

"I know the feeling Liv, trust me." I say and start crying myself. I love her. She can't die! She has to wake up. "Think positive." She will wake up. "I mean, she has to kill me for going after her, right?" I smile, trying to lighten the mood, and Liv laughs.

"I don't care who it is, just thank the Lord you got her to laugh!!" Ugh, Finn.

"Yeah, that would be me." I say, staring him down, which is kinda hard considering I'm laying down.

"Leave it Hazza." Liv says sternly, squeezing me tight. REALLY tight. Maybe she and Peyton aren't so different!

Peyton. I need to see her.

"Liv, I need to see her." I looked her in the eyes and she understood perfectly.

"Let's wait for the doctor to come, then we can go see her, yeah?" She's talking to me as if I'm a 3 year old. I guess she just doesn't want to pull a wire that needs to stay put. Figuratively speaking, that is. I nod just as the doctor enters the small room.

"Mr. Styles? Well if it isn't obvious, you were shot in the leg and had passed out from lack of blood. Your blood type is extremely rare (a/n: just go with it) and we had recently used our last bit for a surgery. Luckily for you, a donor came in at the last second, your girlfriend jumped at the opportunity to donate." He said, motioning to Liv.

"We aren't dating." Liv and I say at the same time, Finn and the other boys were trying to hold in their laughter.

"Are you sure? She hasn't left your side this whole time. Not to eat or sleep. Which I suggest would be healthy to do so now, Miss." He questions us, I catch Liv blushing and smile at her. After the doctor took a few tests and left, everybody started laughing.

"You stayed with me?" I laugh and she looks like she's about to cry again.

"Peyton hasn't woken up, a-and I guess, I thought that, if you were okay, then she would be okay." She says and starts to untangle me from the wires.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously as to why she's pulling the wires out.

"You wanted to see Peyton. So let's go. Really the only thing they have on you is the heart monitor. So come come." She smiles and helps me get off the bed and into a wheelchair. "I've always wanted to push someone in one of these."

"Uh oh." I chuckle a bit. "Should I be scared?" I ask as she starts to push me down the hallway to the lift.

"No! Now chill and let's go see Petrie." She says with a sigh. Once we are in the lift, another girl enters and, of course, she's a fan.

"Ohmigod!! You're Harry Styles!!! And you're Olivia Andrews!! AHHH! I'm like, your biggest fan!! Can I get an autograph?" The girl bounces up and down, just as I'm about to say sure, Liv beats me to it.

"Okay, SERIOUSLY?!" She shouts at the girl. "He's in a fucking wheelchair and it doesn't seem to unfaze you that we are in a fucking hospital!! No, 'Are you okay?' or 'What happened?' ? Just squealing that you might get his name on a scrap if paper! You inconsiderate-"

"Olivia! Calm down, she's just a fan!" I cut her off before she says anything more.

"They're ALL just fans Harry!" She shouts and pushes me out of the lift, leaving the girl gutted. I feel bad, Liv shouldn't have yelled like that.

"Liv, it's fine, really. Drop it already!" She's overreacting.

"Is it fine? Harry, she didn't even care about you! Just the fact that you're famous." She grumbled and opened the door to Peyton's room. When I see all the girls they're asleep, then I see Peyton. She looks like shit. Liv rolls me over and I quietly cry at the sight of my baby in this state. Olivia goes to the other side of the bed and cries as well, i think this her first time seeing Peyton.

"Please. Wake up." I whisper and hold her hand. Before I know it, I'm asleep beside her.



"Hey Peytie. Not much happened today. We got Harry to go home and shower and sleep. Now Harry and I are arguing over who gets to stay with you overnight." I smile at her soundless body. She hasn't woken up and it's been a week. I've done this each and every night, come and tell her what happened. The doctor says she might be able to hear us. "Liam is coming. He's really worried about you. Aren't we all? Petrie, I know you can hear me. Please, I need my sister with me." I start crying, I haven't gone a day without. "Peytie, Harry's a mess, we all are. The boys have to start recording again soon. We decided that it's best if we keep you here and not move you, hospital to hospital in sync with the tour schedule. Harry is going to stay with you tonight, since he has to go, but I'll see you later. Okay?" I kiss her forehead and head for the door. "I love you Peyton. Please, come back to us." I whisper and close the door quietly, I wipe away my tears and bump into someone while walking back to the waiting room. "Sorry." I mutter and keep walking to be stopped by a hand.

"No, it's all my fault." The man whispered and pulled me closer to him.

"Where were you?" I ask and hug him tightly.

"Away for a bit. But it's okay. I'm here now." He rubbed my back while I cried.

"Liam, everybody's been flipping out! You can't just disappear like that!!" I shout into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I just needed time. And I got your message. Now we can be together! You can come on tour with us and everything will be just how it should be!" He pulled back to look into my eyes. "I love you, Liv. We can go live our lives now." He smiled.

"You don't get it. Even if I chose Niall, I'm not going on tour. In the beginning I wasn't and in the end I'm not. I have to take care of the house and I have a job and now, whose going to be there when Peyton wakes up? I have to be here." I put my hands on his face.

"We can move Peyton with us and I can pay for your house." He tried to convince me to come.

"It's already been decided. We aren't moving Peyton. And I don't want your guys' help with the house! I'm a big girl now Liam. I can visit and you guys have the occasional holiday and break to come home. It's okay, Liam, I love you. But I need to stay here." Why does everything have to be so complicated in our lives?

"Because you and your sister are dating 2 of 5 of the biggest boy band in the world." Did I say that out loud? "Yeah, Love, you did." He was crying now. Great, now I'm going to cry more!

"I love you Liam." I cry and hug him again.

"I love you too." He whispered and we just stood there for a few minutes.

"I have to go, I'll see you later." I peck his lips then leave him in the hallway.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Separated(Book Two In The Feel The Payne Cupcake Trilogy)©Where stories live. Discover now