Chapter 22 Part 1 - Tracking

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While listening to the upperclassmen fill them in on the school they'd just entered Addor paused. Her mind was stuck on the impossibleness of a single statement. When they said that they were to be enrolled in this school for 'the indefinite future' did they mean... the WHOLE future? Like, as in forever?

She didn't hear what they said next or the change in topic. Addor's mind was still in shock for another minute before she finally snapped back to reality and ran out the door to the classroom-house thing.

"Dog, track!" She threw her arms, the pup in them being tossed through the air before her as she ran.

His insight into her character gave him insight into what she was doing. So he was able to land on his feet as he was quick to get over his shock. He sniffed the air and quickly identified some smells and pinpointed the one she was after before turning down a street and then another, aiming towards the largest glass tower in the north.

Addor didn't pause as she rammed through the front doors and into the unknown space. Her pup charged ahead.

The guards startled and quickly stopped her. She was already halfway across the room before they noticed what had happened. Quickly raising their hands, they erected a shield before her. It was about as tall as her and vaguely imitated a chain link fence. Only it was made of light instead of metal.

Addor didn't have time to stop before she would hit it going at her speed so she quickly assessed the barrier. It looked like each of the guards had set down a cube. From three sides on each of the cubes, at least a dozen lasers spewed out from. Each one created a half circle, the lasers fading out the further from the cube they got.

A shiver ran down her spine. Red lasers! Are they trying to kill her? She quickly took one last step, putting more into it, before she did a handstand and tossed herself as high as she could through the lowest point.

If it was just a wall she wouldn't have worried about it, but there was a horrible feeling she got when she looked at them. Whatever these things did, she didn't like it.

During all of this, there was something Addor had not accounted for.

This wasn't her body.

The Deceased God's Spirit World MissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang