Chapter 7 Part 3 - Genius

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"I pulled too much spiritual power from my center. I lost focus once it reached my shoulder meridian point and conglomerated. As our own Qi can't be reinserted into our... Qi Domain thing I didn't have much of a choice but to get it out some other way. I couldn't make a proper image of the veins in my hand in the beginning so it sent pain through the dammed up length until I could send it all and relieve the pressure.

"It became easier around half way when I found the pace at which it moved best. Next time I'll have to make sure to take less from my core and keep in mind my ultimate objective throughout it all while allowing it to flow at a slow, steady rate.

"It's really actually quite simple I just didn't think that it would require that much focus." Addor finished with a shrug. It was like fighting. One had to keep track of several things at once and make changes along the way. Addor didn't know that it wasn't normal to explain things as thorough and calmly as she had, especially after such a dangerous time as what she'd been through. Not to mention emotions.

Fan Chen and Fan Ling were startled, they hadn't expected her to grasp so much in such a precarious situation. Also, she'd gotten it done alone- without a specialist. Of course, they didn't exactly know the results of the expensive medicine and gave the Calming Spirit Pill all the credit. Finding and getting a doctor might be hard but a meridian specialist was even more difficult. They'd expected her to take days in that state, not hours.

"Are you, maybe, a genius?" Her father, though mostly accepting the pill's hard work, still felt like he had to question it. After all, her explanation and previously violent actions to feed him had left quite an impression on him.

Addor was getting out of bed, ignoring the looks given to her when Fan Chen mumbled something. She was feeling slimy and finding that she'd sweat more than she'd thought when she turned back to Fan Chen. She hadn't heard what he'd said.

Fan Chen shook his head at her, telling her that it didn't matter. "I'll get a servant to help you clean up and change. You've had a rough day, why don't you rest for now and tomorrow we can start filling you in on things you need to know." He smiled and left the room with the snake man. What Fan Chen really wanted was to check her mental state and ask her lots of questions but after losing her memory and waking up with a cut in her stomach she must have been stressed out. Fan Chen ushered Fan Ling out of the room with him. 

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