Chapter 11 Part 3 - Caught in Headlights

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The girl had olive skin and black hair. She was young, maybe 13, and had large dark eyes. Her body was thin with larger hips and fit perfectly in Chow Su's arms.

Chow Su was dozing while holding the girl in his arms. His bright red hair was just as Abel had described it. He'd also told her that bright hair often meant that their animal was a poisonous one and most people kept away. Some poisons will enter them through their contractual spirit and can poison by touch. Even though these kinds are rare, people are still afraid of anyone with a bright head of hair and often stays away from them as much as possible.

"Oh! That sly little snake! He got another girl?"

"You said you wouldn't be surprised," Addor said. She didn't bother trying to hide her presence, as the girl already looked like she'd been caught in Addor's headlights and instead walked straight in, shutting the door behind her.

Chow Su stirred at her voice.

"I know I said I wouldn't! It's normal for a sixteen-year-old to have a few brides! But that doesn't mean I have to like it!"

Addor glanced at Able.

"Fan Rei," Chow Su sat up and slid off the bed towards her. "You haven't come for a few days. I was getting worried that something had happened." Chow Su's bright eyes looked into hers. They were about the same height, but Chow Su was a little taller. His pasty skin confirmed Able's words about him not being able to bond properly with his contractual spirit.

Fan Rei and Chow Su's contractual spirits are why they were engaged to begin with. Chow Su's contractual spirit is a Coral snake while Fan Rei's was going to be a Malayan Krait snake which is one of the most poisonous snakes even on Earth. Both being contracted with similar animals would boost the probability of a safe birth and healthy children. Their marriage would also create an alliance between the two families. 

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