Chapter 36 Part 4 - For My Love- I mean, My Body!

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Close to a month after beginning her regular visits to Chow Su she'd not honestly chased another man. Her gaze might wander when she was alone, or she might fawn over them with her few female friends, but she hadn't chased any man down and brought them home since she'd engaged Chow Su.

For her to do such a thing... She must truly be in love with him.

She looked down at Addor. Addor was kneeling, looking carefully at one of the plants in a block at the bottom. Seeing Addor working so hard her own determination flared up as well.

No matter what, she was going to return to his side. She was going to take him as her own. If Addor was unable to find a way than she would spend an eternity to do it herself... No, she better not. He'd probably be long dead by than. Fan Rei shook her head to herself, not noticing she'd once again become the expressive spirit she was before.

"Addor!" Fan Rei's determination burst out of every pour.... Or would have had she a body...

Addor looked back at the spirit behind her. Fan Rei had lost her mopey atmosphere and returned to the bright smiling spirit she'd first seen when she'd awoken on the side of the street. Her eyes widened slightly and waited for Fan Rei to say whatever it was she was pushing her chest out pridefully for.

"I'm going to help, too! I want my Cho- I mean, my body back as soon as possible! So... I'm also going to work hard! Just tell me what to do!"

Addor thought about it for a second. "When in mountain... you look for herbs. I fight."

Fan Rei paused. This wasn't exactly the kind of thing she was thinking of... And she thought it an arduous task as she was originally the young miss of a prominent family... Nevertheless, she agreed full of vigor. After all, it was for the sake of her lov- of getting her body back. She would do even the most annoying of tasks to get her lov- her body back.

The Deceased God's Spirit World MissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang