Epilogue - Last Promise

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"Guards! Lock the demon up! I will overlook her interrogation myself!" Fan Ling immediately called upon his spirit beast. It was just in time to catch Addor's dagger in its mouth. The dagger cut it half-way through 13 centimeters down, but the time had been wasted and now Fan Ling would have a chance at a counter attack if she continued after him.

Instead, Addor lunged forward into the pile and quickly grabbed up a very particular herb. Using the force from the lunge she continued froward over the pile and straight past Fan Chen, who was still looking next to Fan Ling, where she'd been moments ago. The guards coming up behind him from the gate were full seconds behind as she slipped past them and away. After that, she ran. As hard and as fast as she could. Back to the mountain.

Fan Chen and Chow Su watched the backs of the guards chasing the disappeared girl. They both knew that after what had been said today there was little to no chance of having back the one they both loved. Even so, if that demon spirit possessing her body had been sent by the spirit of Fan Rei herself? Even if it were a demon using the mask of Fan Rei's lifeless body, could they stand behind Fan Ling? Could they stand back and watch as he tracked her down?

Chow Su's body had been chilled for days now without rest. With the accumulation of stress his heart was like glass beneath a large stone. At this great shock it gave in and his body crumpled to the cobblestone.

He watched through blurred eyes. Her hair was still long, he hadn't been able to keep his promise. Fan Chen called for a doctor; Workers crowding around to see; and Fan Ling telling them off.

Chow Su's face couldn't mold to show the hatred he felt. He couldn't move at all.

No, He told himself, I will not stand down. They tell me I cannot fight? Fine. That I will have no future? Accepted. But I will not cower as Fan Rei, dead-turned-demon or not, is hunted down only to be locked up and torchured.

I will find her first.

I will keep my promise.

If it's the last thing I do.

Those standing around weren't sure what to do. Chow Su wanted to believe Addor, who he still knew as Fan Rei, but even so, there would be complications. Even if what his fiance said were true the one she faced off against was, after all, the king's brother. How could he stand out amongst the crowd on her side? It would be like proclaiming opposition against the ruler.

With his position, he didn't stand a chance. He'd die before he took two steps. How could he take all the steps required to back her up? Even his death wouldn't be enough.

That was his last thought before his consciousness faded, leaving the chaos around him and hurling into a still darkness.

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