Chapter 29 Part 2 - Make Magic? No, Study Souls

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He didn't seem to get it, "who are you, than?"


"...AAAND you're doing it anyway, GREAT. Wait, did I know your name?"

"I'm Laoda, what family are you from?"

"I'm orphaned."

Able was strangely quiet. Had he always known so little about her? He knew she fought well... He knew she didn't show much expression... Had he ever asked her about herself? How was he supposed to guide her if he didn't know anything? Maybe he wasn't supposed to make her into Fan Rei. After all, she'd gotten herself killed. Maybe he was supposed to help her. Maybe it was Able- who was here- to help her. Not the other way around.

He looked at her clothes. They were nice and tidy which told him that she was cared for and loved. Well cared for at the very least. Her complexion was pale, but not in a way that suggested sickness. Rather, in a way that showed that she was a young woman who cared for her appearance. If she didn't have parents she at least had someone caring for her. Did she just not want to say?

He changed the subject, "What do you want to learn?"

"Want to learn magic."

He paused. "Okay... What specifically do you want to learn? Alchemy? Healing? Healing potions? Strength potions? Inner power? Contractual beasts? Fighting with Inner power? Fighting with potions? I mean..." He trailed off. If there wasn't something more specific he wasn't sure if he could teach her at all.

Addor thought about it a moment, she'd never been given a decision like this before. He wanted her to decide what she wanted to do? Even Boss hadn't let her do that. For right now, the number one thing on her list was, of course... "Spirits. And their bodies. How one might change the spirits in a body and how to replace it."

He hadn't expected her to bring up a topic like that. "Why are you interested in a study of souls? It seems very... Detailed, there must be a reason."

Addor didn't even pause, "To return Fan Rei her body."

Able startled.

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