Chapter 22 Part 2 - Amazing Blow

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As she put the weight of her body on her arm, her wrist took the brunt of the impact. And when she pushed up, intending to send her clear over the lasers and into the air just below the ceiling, her body didn't have the strength for it. The only thing that kept her going was the velocity She'd worked up as she ran. So instead of following a nice arc in the air she only flew just below her own height.

Her arched back scraped painfully against the faded edges.

For the landing, she was going in with her feet-first. She'd barely made it over the lasers so from there it was an easy drop and roll. The only problem was that she didn't expect that her new body would react differently to the pain than her own body.

Her legs gave out as she tried to fall into a roll. They trembled and quickly gave out beneath her, and then her back wouldn't curve forwards to allow her to minimize the damage that had already been done. So she landed painfully in a heap, her folded legs and head catching the brunt of the impact.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

The guards both briefly lost their breath. At first, her moves looked like they were going to be amazing and then she began to crumble from the top to the bottom. They had only tried to stop an intruder, not actually hurt someone!

Being masters of this world's martial art's themselves they could tell that the move she was about to use was something amazing, something they had never seen before. Everyone in the room knew that Addor should have crumbled when her wrist couldn't accept the weight at the beginning. Yet, she'd even vaulted over the rays afterward!

The guards weren't sure whether they should be amazed at her moves of horrified at the mistakes that, ultimately, they had caused. What Addor did next leave sealed their fate of forever having respect for this little girl.

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