Chapter 18 Part 3 - "Shifu"

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"From the void." She was careful not to raise her voice in return, "I chose to accept my natural spirit." She looked down at the creature in her arms. She tossed out her chin in an attempt to look defiant. "I wasn't about to accept the dirty, toxic snake grandfather was offering." Instead, she just looked like a cute little girl to the crowd around her under her charm.

The man furrowed his brow, "Why'd you turn down a highclass snake for a random pet?"

Addor stuck out her chest, repeating her Boss's words, "Your body is amazing. Without you even realizing it will heal you and prevent sickness. It will take care of you all on it's own, finding a way, even if undesired, to keep you alive at any cost. Even pain is a signal to your brain to keep you alive. Changing the course of nature is the creation of man. These creations, while they might seem to enhance life, often lead to early deaths!

"I might not know much about spirit animals but... I don't think it's smart to go against your body's natural decisions!" Bravely, she put forth everything she had.

The two stared each other down for a moment.

"You will call me shifu."

Addor's coked her head to the side, "If you teach me martial arts, than I will."

He nodded, accepting her answer, "Come."

The teachers had ignored the scene altogether but some of the kids, especially the Prince, watched attentively. Most of them did so because there wasn't anything better to do while the other groups finished making their contracts. But to those who understood the significance of the meaning behind that teacher accepting a pupil, such as the other teachers, ignored them as if they were under their notice. That student was an idiot, they thought, trying to talk her way into the class for 'special' kids. She most certainly wouldn't join if she knew that most students were never seen or heard from again.

Addor, oblivious to this fact, followed him happily feeling like Christmas. First, she got a puppy for her contractual spirit and than she won the favor of a man who reminded her of Boss.

'Shifu' lead her back into the building and down the hall towards the door. He hadn't even bothered waiting for more students.

Each class had to take care of their own pupils on a territory they procured themselves. Most of them stayed in the school if they didn't have a territory. Sometimes it would be the teacher's own home. If they were rich enough. 'Shifu' used his own territory, off campus. Though his students were never there longer than a few weeks at most... 

(A note on some chinese- 'Shifu' means teacher of martial arts. What she wants to call him, 'Laoda' is another way to say 'big brother' only it's from newer and more course language. So... think about a bunch of punks that like to talk tough... this might be the kind of thing they would call someone they deemed as their 'big bro'. Also used in gangs as a title for 'boss'. 

Kinda like how the wife of the boss of a gang is called 'sister'. In fact, it's exactly like that. This is what he was talking about when he commented on her word choice but said that that didn't mean she had the abilities. As in, even if she talks like she's from the streets it doesn't mean that she has the survival abilities and tricks a kid on the street might have.)

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