Chapter 22 Part 4- Lost in Her Breast

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When Addor turned and looked straight at the two of them it was almost too surreal to register. Addor's body's magic was working at a mile a minute to try and help heal her in any way it could. She felt warm.

Her charm had kicked itself up, pulsing through her as magic so thick it practically seeps from her in waves. If one was able to see magic than it would look as if she were surrounded by a thin layer of mystical fog. And her back, where the magic was thickest, would look to be covered in a thick salve- covering every sore, bruise, and cut as if a nice, experienced medicine woman had applied it herself.

Addor spoke as calmly as she could. She'd been scared of being stuck here forever but she didn't want to be treated as an intruder. Or an escapee- not if she didn't have too. She took a deep breath and spoke so she shakiness in her voice could not be heard, "I want to see Laoshi."

The guards paused. "Who?"

"Ben Wang." She gave them the name he had given her after she and Laoshi had fought. It was only once, while they were still tucked up inside his little home. Though Addor had doubts about it being his actual home and not just some transition hovel.

The guards glanced at each other. There was a man that came to mind but...

"Is that idiot still calling himself that?"

Addor turned back around to see a woman standing behind her. Addor hadn't heard her fall from above, giving the illusion that the woman had appeared out of nowhere. Addor cocked her head to the side, this must have been what Boss felt like. I never understood why he was unnerved when I walked up to him from behind.

"You know him?"

The woman was beautiful. But the one thing Addor saw right away was her chest. She had the largest breasts she'd ever seen! Addor was sure that if she could manage to squeeze her head between them that she'd never find her way out. "I know everyone, at least everyone in a little place like this." Her pink lips and narrow, seductive eyes glanced Addot up and down. "So you're the girl, huh? You aren't that great." With that, she turned on her heel and began taking large, light strides down a hallway. "Your 'Ben Wang' is to the right. Don't be intimidated by the children in that room, though. Or else you'll never meet the one who brought you into this world..."

She faded into the dark hall, her voice disappearing soon afterward.

Addor looked to her right and began down the hall. What kind of monster could scare her? She absentmindedly wondered who the woman was. She seemed to have some kind of connection of the people Able had talked about once. What was it he said again? 

( sorry for the late update  I've been super busy, love you guys so much thanks for reading marry Christmas!)

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