Chapter 12 Part 3 - To Make Love Turn To Hate

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Fan Rei was a name known throughout the town. She was known to be the perfect woman with power, riches, looks, a gentle demeanor, and soon even a powerful contractual spirit. It wasn't well known about her charming ability that made even her average beauty seem flawless. Many men had already fallen to her charms and, before she was engaged with the charming Chow Su, she would often bring home a new man every month and introduce him to her family.

Her ability to charm might not be common knowledge but, among certain groups, she was known to have an unusual spirit power ability. Many people, young and old, were looking forward to see what contractual spirit and class she would choose during her ceremony. These two things would ultimately decide her fate and future.

Once outside, Fan Rei quickly let go of Chow Su and took up a stance opposite him. She made sure to pull her skirts up as well.

Chow Su was secretly amazed. Before he had bonded with his contractual spirit he'd been trained intensely to tone his body and learn how to control himself. He still wasn't expecting much from a girl who chased after men, but her posture wasn't bad to start off with. Unconsciously he'd already become serious and bent down into his own pose. He calmed his mind and opened up to his senses, reading even the wind as it moved around him. He kept his eyes on Addor, the two poised for action but not yet striking.

The three who had been watching earlier were standing at the edge of the courtyard with a few other servants they'd passed along the way, to watch the Fan families young miss and their own young master face off against one another. Chow Su coming out of his room for something was spectacle enough but a fight with his fiancee told them that something was obviously going on.

The group had already begun to whisper amongst themselves before the fight had already begun. Whatever the reason to make the two lovers fight it out it must be huge. Everyone knew that this couple, though a marriage they didn't choose, were deeply in love with each other. What could possibly have made that lovey-dovey couple hate each other so much that they would have to fight it out?

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