Chapter 1 Part 3

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Each of the trained killers came at a different time at different angles and approaches, but none of them succeeded. Addoraca found out that Boss had sent them and snuck into his office to ask him why. Boss, someone Addoraca had always considered more like a father than a mentor or teacher, threw himself to the ground in a seiza(super polite bow). He begged her not to kill him.

The strong man she'd always known was nowhere to be found. This terrified, crying man at her feet was not anyone she knew.

He had pulled her out of her hell in Africa. He'd brought her to America eight years ago. Addor hated numbers but she would always remember the date she set foot on American soil, the year 2030 in the fourth month and sixth day. It was the ninth hour of that day. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, if the second was the tenth second of the seventh hour, it would be a perfect count to ten.

Addoraca pulled her gun from her bra and looked in the holder. She removed some of the bullets and tossed them to the side. "Nine left," She smiled at the remeaning bullets in the clip as if it was a coincidence and she hadn't just removed half of them. She reloaded the clip into the gun, "Our lucky number." Then she emptied the clip.


The woman named 'Addoraca' by the man called 'Boss' then disappeared from the disreputable organization and was never seen again. It wasn't until some time later when her body was found that Boss' protege was contacted of her mysterious death. It was unknown what had happened to her, and her death was written off as a heart attack because it was never looked into, but in truth, no one in her world could have ever known what had killed her. And no one in that world would ever know. 

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