Chapter 40 Part 2 - Emergency Visit

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It'd been two weeks since the school's integration period had ended. Integration was usually a week or two in which the students were withheld from any outside contact until they learn about their new life and get used to their new life.

Even though the integration period had long ended Chow Su had still not been approached by the persistent Fan Rei. He was glad that that meant he didn't have to continue trying to talk her out of cutting her hair, but at the same time he was worried. He'd promised her fighting, had she grown bored of it? ...Chow Su doubted that. Maybe her memories had returned? If that were the case than why hadn't she come to visit him, her lover, yet? She used to visit him every two or three days. She didn't seem to dislike him after she lost her memories, either, and isn't the type to neglect their relationship as lovers, even if it was arranged. It was strange enough to make him worried.

He waited over a week after the integration before approaching her father. Chow Su hadn't been out of his room much at all since his spirit beast lashed back, so he hadn't properly met his father-in-law yet, but he'd been going out more since his bout with Addor. Even if it were just to sit in the sun.

But this time he traveled. His overprotective family sent him in a carriage with a doctor and enough guards too look like he was going to attack the Fan estate, not visit. He would have walked alone, if he'd been allowed. He promised himself next time he would sneak out.

Fan Chen and Fan Ling welcomed him in. It seemed they had been in a serious discussion about what dangers Fan Rei might be in. Fan Rei's spirit pup had returned to the Fan mansion. As long as the pup was alive, so was she. But the question of why it was here, and not with her, was something worth worrying over.

Spirit beasts can only leave their master if their master tells them too, and will only go for as long as it takes to get the job done before they return. It seems that the pup was now trying to return, therefore it must have achieved its goal.

If she was in danger and had sent her spirit beast out to call for help, this was likely how it would react. The Father-son pair had been conversing over the best course of action when Chow Su showed up.

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