Chapter 21 Part 4 - Taking Over the World

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""!!!"" Mu Guiying and Chen Mei Xiu startled. What could the people living in a heavenly home do?

"Na Qing? No..."

"Maybe Huan Huan?"

"That's a good idea! Maybe he can cheer her u- Oh, goodness, is that blood?" She bent down and reached her hand to touch the pup. If he was hurt he should get help immediately.

"Grrr..." the dog rolled over and growled threateningly at the girl. He didn't move in such a way that would trouble his master or stop her from enjoying petting him. Instead, he positioned his head in a way that he would have more reach to bite if the unknown person were to do anything.

The girl quickly pulled back her hand and chuckled nervously. She glanced at Addor. It was known that spirit beasts are similar if not matched in character to their contractors. Did that little girl hide such... spirit behind that indifferent glance?

Mu GUiying, who knew exactly what she was thinking, nodded to herself. Of course, she would be confused. After all, who would think that such a little girl like that would be able to hold at second-tier beast hostage? The beast entirely at her mercy? Or that her spirit beast, not yet two weeks old, would defeat both it and the horde of hous that had come at them earlier? Such a violent spirit beast... all thanks to the spurring on of that little girl so that she herself didn't have to do the work.

Laoshi had a reason to favor her, after all. Not that Mu Guiying would ever admit that.

Unbeknownst to Mu Guiying Addor hadn't begun training her pup because she simply 'didn't want to do the harder work in the future'. No, it was far more complex and thought out than that.

In fact, Addor would have loved taking them down alone. If they were stronger, that is. After the first magical animal- the hou- died before she'd even begun she stood back and began teaching as if she were talking to a kindergartener.

And that was exactly Addor believed. That killing that magical monkey was, in fact, just like taking candy from a kindergartener. She didn't even have to use any of the techniques she'd learned from Boss.

In fact, anyone coming from her Earth would agree with her... This world's 'strength' is just too low. Addor doubted that their masters would even match up to a physically built and healthy teenager from her world. She stared off into the distance as a thought ran through her head.

Taking over this world might be easier than it was to get Boss let her into his gang.

Of course, she wouldn't dare think of doing such a thing...

(VOTE- Let's take a vote. First, let me ramble a second(you can skip this if you like). I began this story thinking it would be more formal then Hidden Schemes... which I'm trying to do simultaneously(and failing at)... therefore I wasn't planning to add author's notes or pictures of any kind. 

The first one has already failed. I mean, I wasn't even expecting that anyone would notice my story let alone that I'd get 4thou+ reads only after about two months! I was so happy! and still am! I find myself taking time out of my day just to see how many more reads I've gotten. 

Yet I feel like I've been letting you guys all down because of my slow updates(I'm sorry)! 

As some of you may know, the arc I'm doing now is entirely new in every way. I skipped this part of the story the first time to add a little mystery to her past and because the 'going to school and becoming awesome' is so overdone. Nonetheless, I figured out down the road that it was important to add more information about how the magic in this world works. Thus, the current arc. 

The reason it's going to slow is that I make up my stories on the spot. That's right, no previous brainstorming, I experience it with you- Of course, this means that the same goes for all of my characters, as well. 

So that's what I've been working on. It literally took me three days to finish creating that bubbly girl you saw here... and I don't even think I have a hold on her true character as a person yet. And the other two you just met? Those two took even longer.

While I took all this time making these characters I found pictures to try and help me get a better grasp of what kind of person they are, what they might become, or what they might have been. So I propose we take a vote

v v

Would you, or would you not want to see these pictures? I'm going to be looking for at least 20 votes one way or the other. 

I should warn you, though. The pictures I have chosen are in the art form of anime/manga so if that is something you've grown sick and tired of, Please Comment That! On the other hand, if you are a lover, then this a warning for you- some of them will be characters you might recognize. This will be both intentional and unintentional. I tried to choose the less-common types of anime characters but there is NO WAY I can keep up with everything! but I know that I can't help it if I just so happen to find a fan art that fits my character. After all, I take hours on these. 

If you feel that I will somehow 'ruin their rep' in some way, or 'taint their true character' then Please Comment That!

As readers I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. If you have strong feelings about it one way or the other- or feel that my descriptions are enough to give you a creative space from where you see my characters and make them your own- then tell me so that I can make a weighted decision. 

As thanks for reading to the end I'll give you a little insight:

With these classmates, I've also created a person I believe I want to be Addor's love interest. Or rather, fixed a character to be so. It is a Male and it is --SPOILERS!!! DO NOT READ AHEAD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW--it is not Able. Sorry guys, Able's got other plans.

And I'll end it here as I just realised that my 'side note' is longer then this chapter. Thanks! <3 I love you! XOXOXO

The Deceased God's Spirit World MissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora