Chapter 16 Part 3 - Kissed.

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The teacher's voice pulled their attention back to the center of the room. He explained how to pull on the string from the void. A few seconds later another ball of fur appeared in the room. From the outside it seemed as if it'd appeared out of thin air. The boy didn't bother holding his arms to catch it. Instead, it fell at his feet and shook its fur as it sat up.

It was different than Addor's in a big way. This was no pup. This was clearly an adult wolf. It was copper with black fur mixed in along it's back. It's head sat comfortably just below the boy's hip.

"Coyote...?" The teacher squinted at it.

The boy smirked, "Why would you think so?" One of their main classes up until this point was about animals. In fact, it was the only required class apart from reading and writing.

The teacher glanced at him, not wanting to be the one to give him the bad news. Coyotes were useful and a great addition to a family or even a store as they are adaptable and get rid of pest. But wolves are higher on the food chain making for a great royal contract spirit. Wolves are much larger and, while less agreeable, are known for their ability to take down much larger targets.

"The-The bushy tail and large ears..." The teacher trailed off, watching the boy's expression.

The boy's smile grew, unseen by the rest of the room. "Sure... but look." The boy grabbed his spirit's face and turned to to the teacher roughly, "His nose isn't thin like those mongrels. His coloring and size might copy them as well, but..." The animal snatched it's nose back and walked to the boy's side, hoping it was out of the danger range. "This is a rare breed, a red wolf. One of the rarest breeds of candids in the world..."

The wolf lifted his nose and sniffed a few times and looked around the room for the source of the scent. It's eyes landed on Addor's. She noticed that it hadn't even glanced at the defenceless pup in her arms but instead turned his attention straight to her.

The boy smiled and looked down at the wolf by his side, "...but it is most certainly a wolf." He finished had followed his spirit's gaze to Addor. His pupils shrunk before widening as he focused on her. He stared at her. The entire room followed his gaze to the small, yet frightening girl in the corner of the room.

Addor stared back without flinching, almost as if quietly daring him to make a move. She wasn't bothered by a youth's stare after her many years of taking down full grown men. In the first place it wasn't her style to act scared even if she was. In a few steps he'd crossed the room and was standing too close for comfort. Addor looked up at him, but didn't move or change her expression.

A growl erupted from the back of his throat, "Mine." With that, he leaned forward and forcefully pressed his lips to Addor's. 

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