Chapter 23 Part 1 - Longing to Belong

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The room Addor walked into was practically pulsing with power. Even when she entered the hallway there was a force that even a non-magic user wouldn't be able to deny. It was as if there was an anvil on her chest, a force that she couldn't deny. It reminded her of her past. It was a beautiful, breathtaking force she'd missed.

She continued with renewed vigor. Her back wasn't healed, but the pain had been numbed so she had an easier time moving now. Opening the door she found various individuals, each one unique and radiating strength.

Addor took a deep breath. This was the sort of place she belonged. This was the sort of place she loved.

She entered and half the room looked over. Her presence had been so faint that most of them had ignored her on their radar. Whereas their power was overflowing, her's was puny and meek, even with it going at it's full strength. They were just that kind of overpowering individuals. Due to having ignored her they only realized how close she was when she'd open the door herself. It was unusual, for anyone other than themselves to get passed the guards.

Half the room looked over and a shiver ran down her spine. She had a hard time containing the excitement she felt. How didn't these men and women get so strong? Could she ever fit into that world? The world of the strong?

When she thought this a figure visited her mind. Who was that woman?

"Fan Rei?" Laoshi stood up and walked over to her from his seat at one of the many tables filling the space. "What are you doing here? What happened to your arm? Why are you holding it?"

"Laoshi! I need an exception."

"For what?"

"Don't want lifetime learning."

He snorted, "What? Why? It's not as if you're going to be restrained much." Seeing the look on her face he couldn't meet her eyes. "Okay,okay! So you have certain... duties to attend to. We aren't taking your life, we are enhancing it. Trust me, once you get far enough-"

Addor glared at him. If she had full function she'd have grabbed his collar, "Far... enough?"

"Well..." He mumbled, "Yeah, maybe another ten or twenty years- But it's worth it! You aren't even in the real world ye-"

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