Chapter 35 Part 1 - You Don't Mean...

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"So what are you going to do, do you know?" Jia Cai Zi kindly asked Addor from across the table.

Addor looked over at Fan Rei's spirit self. He- or rather she- was spacing out, her attention on Addor's injuries. If one looked carefully they may see a slight sadness in her eye, so slight it was even harder to spot than Qui Guiguan's expression changes.

"I'm going to give her body back."

The others might not see the floating soul, but it was clear to them who the resolution in her eyes was meant for. Just than Fan Rei blinked. Her eyes found Addor's in a rare moment of clarity.

"You don't mean... suicide?"

With Huan Huan's disruption the two's gaze broke. Addor turned back to the room, "Idiot. What would that solve? It would only leave guilt for her. Stupid idiot."

The room quieted.

Huan Huan laughed and voiced their thoughts, "I hadn't known you were the sort to think about others. You are actually a nice person, aren't you?"

It was an unexpected realization. Especially after getting used to her cold countenance. This was particularly true for Jia Cai Zi, who knew all to well the state her contractual spirit pup had ended up in.

"So how do you intend to do it, than?" Huan patted her shoulder, as if they were good friends.

"Don't know."

Huan Huan paused. He'd thought she was finally smart and thinking about others but it turns out she didn't have a plan. He dead panned, "You may be considerate, but you're actually quite stupid, aren't you?"

Addor pushed him away, scoffing. The room laughed. Nobody noticed the spark that had been lit in Fan Rei's eye.


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