Chapter 17 Part 4 - "Little Brother" Can't Get Up

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Addor furrowed her brow as Chow Su patted her on the head again. She glared up at him, "Don't talk down to me! You're the one who couldn't even get up!" She quickly swiped at his feet with her own. He fell on his butt in response. Looking down at the grimacing Chow Su she spat as him, "Next time make sure you can stand or else I'm going to make sure your 'little brother' will never stand again!" Addor turned on her heel and stomped out the door. Her threat was something she knew worked on men from her previous life.

She knew that what she was doing was childish... But she couldn't help it, she was angry. Not only was she not allowed to cut her hair, he'd also taken away her time to blow off steam by cutting down on her practice time.

Addor looked down at the pup in her arms, "Don't worry, I'll let you ravage it if he can't handle a leg swipe next time." Her mouth twitched, "It'll be your first. My first time cutting off a man's pride was when I was eight years old." Addor smiled at the memory and walked off to find her new class.

'Couldn't get it up', 'little brother', Addor obviously had some strong feelings about this...

Chow Su and Fan Ling watched her go. Fan Ling turned an inquiring eye to Chow Su.

Chow Su stiffened and avoided eye contact. There was nothing he could say, even the truth, that could make what she said okay.

To Fan Ling Chow Su had obviously made advances on his unmarried granddaughter. Not only that, but she'd made it sound as if even Fan Ling's daughter wasn't good enough for him to 'get it up'.

Chow Su whimpered. He wasn't sure if he could shoulder the consequences of her words this time.

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