Chapter 1 Part 2

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Addor cocked her head, "'kay?" Her one syllable and blank, yet slightly worried stare made the men shiver.

Was she not bothered by what she'd just done?

The man in the middle, sitting in the only chair in the room cleared his throat, yet couldn't find it in him to look the blood-stained girl in the eye. Even if whatever blood that was left was hard to see against her dark skin and black clothes. "Ye-Yeah... I'm fine... Are you?" He wanted to know if she was in the least bit uncomfortable. At least then she might have a sliver of humanity left.

Addor stopped to think about it for a second. She heard her stomach growl and realized she hadn't eaten for about a day. She'd been working under orders of the man in the middle, her boss. Though he was probably the closest thing to a father figure she's ever known. "Hungry."

"O-Oh yeah?" The male in the center stuttered again. He struggled to stand.

It wasn't even close to what he wanted to hear. He couldn't believe he'd raised such a monster. He'd never watched her do the deed before and, now that he had, he found that his stomach couldn't handle the things this little girl did to his competitors. "How about we get you something to eat? Huh, Addor? How about a nice, juicy steak- Or some vegetables?" He quickly corrected himself

He was glad she'd given him an excuse to get out of that abandoned, diluted building as soon as possible. He didn't want to get on her bad side, though. So he offered her something he knew she would like- but changed his mind. He didn't think he would ever look a a 'nice, juicy steak' the same way again. If he watched her eat it, with hands that had just torn apart a man- literally- he wasn't sure he would ever recover.

The girl nodded, not seeming to notice the horrible state the three were in and allowed him to usher her out the door.

The two left behind suddenly exhaled and fell to the ground, their faces covered in a sheen of sweat. Finally taking their eyes off of the red-spotted room and gnarled corpse, they found each other's eyes. For a moment, they didn't speak.

"I will never question again if that man has balls." The younger one, the greenie, gulped. He'd watched as Boss had put an arm around her shoulders.

The Senior hadn't returned to his wits yet, and in his life, he never would--but if he'd lived as anything other than a vegetable in the hospital from that day on--he would have wholeheartedly agreed.

That night, Boss separately hired three experienced mercenaries to take her out as soon as possible.

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