Chapter 17 Part 3 - Broken Promises

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Fan Ling had moved up to talk to the teacher while the prince was occupied with thoughts of Addor. He was still staring, shocked, at his hand. The girl that liked him was ushering her dazed prince towards the door where they would join their new class and teacher. Abel was following after them happily. Chow Su knew Fan Rei needed to meet up with her new class as well, but he was worried about the murderous look in her eye.

"Look," He racked his brain for a compromise. He couldn't have her killing the baby just to get beat up by her. "you got lucky! Canis are special and, although it might be tough now, it will most certainly make up for it in the future! How about... How about we plan to go on raids, okay? We will find a team and go up into the mountains and fight animals, okay? But you're canis... dog... will have to be at a certain age before we can hunt the animals!" He tried to sound upbeat to make it sound more interesting than it was. "So, for now... We won't practice everyday... I'll come to you instead," He saw the change in her eyes, he was winning her over. "but you have to promise me to take proper care of your spirit!" He finished resolutely.

Addor smiled, leaving Chow Su slightly breathless for unth time that day. "Promise!" She agreed.

Chow Su exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding and patted her head, "Than go outside and find your new teacher, okay?"

Addor furrowed her brow. "Chow Su..." Addor wasn't fully satisfied. There seemed to still be something weighing on her mind.


She pulled a long strand of hair over her shoulder, "Prize."

"Who's getting a prize?" Fan Ling joined the conversation, a slight smile at his lips as he looked at his granddaughter.

Addor didn't respond to her grandfather. Choosing instead to continue pouting at Chow Su as if she hadn't heard him at all.

"Right... I'd forgotten about that... Let's do it some other time, okay?" He sighed in his mind. It seemed she didn't understand the significance of a woman's beauty. He glanced at Fan Ling. He wasn't sure how he would react to his granddaughter cutting her hair. Hair was everything to a woman. It was like taking away any and all future prospects she might have. He patted her head with a hopeless expression. It differed from all the other times he'd patted her head, which Addor took notice of.

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