Chapter 31 Part 2 - Loyalty Unrewarded

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Within this small boy's route there was a point where he had to cross a small, lesser used bridge in order to get to the small town of La Chu. Which, consequently, happened to be the town Ma Shu was sending his hard-earned earnings to. The only letters being sent here were his. Ma Shu was lucky this particular mail carrier boy even knew such a place existed.

La Chu was a small and often overlooked town. It's strange circumstances were the main cause of this. In addition to it being small it was widely known that the land 'beyond the east river' belonged to a small tribe which fell under special circumstances.

Two kingdoms over was an Emperor taking the world with his military force. He was obsessed with the idea of calling the world his own. The King at this time was lazy, sickly, and selfish. He cared only for himself and his luxuries, ignoring pressing matters. Matters such as the Emperor pressing in on his borders. Or his people starving.

One village especially had taken a hard hit to this new King's attitude. It was a tribe that had been granted by the previous king to live on his land, away from the monstrous forest in which they were living.

Though it might seem obvious but this tribe had lived for generations off of the meat and materials from the monsters they'd killed. But concerned of their dwindling numbers they accepted the previous king's generous offer and were given land east of the river. Though with his passing and the lazy, self-indulgent king taking up the throne the food distributions to the commoners had entirely stopped.

The tribesmen, who had been living off of the food distributions and weren't integrated into society, had no other way to provide for themselves. Because of this, their village, which had been given the reassurance of the previous king of their welfare, were distraught and the children who had been saved by this change than began to watch as their own children starved.

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