Chapter 9 Part 3 - Assassination Isn't Work?

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"You're a good fighter, huh? That was pretty cool. Did you learn that from your previous life?" He got up and started walking past the doors along one side of the balcony.

Addor climbed up and followed him to the kitchen. "Yes."

"But, you know, I've never seen anything like that. Did you even use spirit power? All the servants thought it was pretty cool." Obviously, this ghost had about much sense on the subject as Addor did. "Oh! You should enter the martial class!" He turned around and looked at her as if he'd just had the best idea ever.

She passed by him again.

He didn't seem to mind her walking through him and followed after her without a pause. "It'd be great! In the martial class, you can get all these cool jobs that don't take much work! Like... a guard or assassin or something!" At that, Addor grunted. Her view of him immediately plummeted. "You could live the good life for practically no work and instead work on meeting that dream guy of yours to take you away! If you're in the Martial's class it's your pick of the litter! Hardly any girls are there and there are all these good-looking guys! With your charm, they would fall all over you!" He stopped talking.

She knew without looking that he was looking off into an impossible future with star-struck eyes again.

Addor ignored him. He began floating backward while in front of her so that he could talk to her and guide her to the kitchen at the same time.

In the kitchen, a young girl was flitting about. She looked about eight years old. Every time she moved her short light brown hair bounced around her neck and her wide skirts flowed is if she were dancing. She obviously knew her way around the kitchen. One second she was mixing something in a bowl, the next she was turning something else on the stove. She hummed to herself as she worked and Addor became amused at the sight.

Addor paused for a moment in the doorway, watching, before finally stepping inside.

"Oh, Miss Fan!" The young girl didn't pause in her duties but tried to look at Addor as she worked. With so much going at once it was understandable that she couldn't look away from it for long. "Are you alright to be up?"

Addor didn't know one way or the other so she ignored the question and instead brought up what she'd come here for, "Hungry."

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