Chapter 29 Part 1 - Give Up

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“Give up?” Huan Huan pulled himself out of his daze and found the time to make fun of the girl that’d twisted his finger.

Addor glanced up at him with a dull gaze, “Fighting helps nothing. Just don’t like being held down.”

“Oh?” Huan Huan smirked at her, “You like being on top, than?”

“Giving up is the perfect way to say it.”

She turned her gaze landed on something unseen to anyone else. Being drug behind her by their unseen bond was Able. His eyes were lifeless. He didn’t even play with his nails or rest with his hands behind his back anymore. He simply lay there, unmoving, in the air. He looked as if he were dead. Well, more so. Like a corpse, rather.

She wasn’t sure why it had happened, but one day he’d just seemed to have… given up. Since than he hasn’t spoken or even looked at any beauty walking by. Every once in awhile his eyes will follow Addor but that was the most she’d seen him move since the change.

The change had happened during her one week stay at Laoshi’s.

Addor had told him about what had happened- the real story. Well, briefly anyway.

They were sitting in Laoshi’s common room of the small house. Neither of the other girls had shown up yet so Addor thought this was a good time to figure out what he might know about her circumstances. Nobody else, her father, the general, or Chow Su, had seemed to catch on to what had actually happened so Addor felt that it was safe to assume that what had happened wasn’t a regular occurence. Even in a world of magic.

“Ulgh, this place in a dump. He doesn’t even have a couch or chairs? Are you really okay with sitting on the ground? It stinks, is this where he ki-ki-kill…” Able was looking around and holding his nose. Addor had already come to think of him as something more like background noise than a voice that should be carefully listened to.

But she wasn’t about to give up just like that. Maybe a teacher, someone who’s life is knowledge would have at least heard something. Thinking like this, Addor opened her mouth to explain and what came out was, “I’m not Fan Rei.” It was the same words she’d said to Chow Su.

“What are you doing?” Able hissed at her, “You can’t tell him that! He’s a bad guy! What if he uses this against you somehow? Hey! Hey, listen to me!”

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