Chapter 27 Part 2 - Run

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I hope I hadn't need explain the ruckus Addor and the Healer were making. The streak of golden light was something not many noticed or cared about. After all, someone running wasn't such a rare sight. But the girls were all drawn to the puppy that soon followed after which than led them to the running girl following after the dog. The men, watching the women gaping as they watched Addor loose her balance entirely and spectacularly fall in a heaping mess, finally seemed to notice that 'something interesting' was happening. But it was after this that the real interest began.

A beautiful face, one the entire academy knew would rise to the status of a god one day, was running full speed from a little bouncing, jiggling girl yelling at him. If one looked closely enough at the girl they might even notice that some of her features were surprisingly similar to someone they looked up to...

Considering that the classroom building had only a single room, once they stepped out they were opening themselves up for the entire academy too see. This was also how Huan Huan entered into the conversation. He saw that there were people standing around at the entrance and decided he's make it a party. Qi Guiguan was there because Laoshi has sent him, though. A busy man like him wouldn't be wandering aimlessly around in a place like the academy.

"Brother! Stop! Stop! STOP! Why are you running from me? Get back here! Or I swear I'll skin you alive! I'll pop out an eyeball and let you hold it in your hands than let you watch as I-" Her face changed from shock and confusion to pure anger the more she spoke. Ma Guiying was surprisingly violent for a little girl. Even though she always seemed to gape at Addor for being so headstrong she seemed to have many of the same habits herself.

When Addor's ankle gave out beneath her and Qi Guiguan caught up to her Ma Guiying smiled sinisterly, I've got him now-!  

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