Chapter 32 Part 1 - Permission to Steal

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He quickly whipped up a bland soup, for easy digesting. He held people and allowed them to drink form the bowl in his hand. To each person who didn't have the strength to even hold the bowl themselves he held them up and helpe dhtem drink. As he was doing so a child, who still had spirit, ran in and began rummaging through the food.

The man did not move to stop the boy. If this boy was still so strong without having stolen food than he was clever and smart. If he took only his share the man would not hold him back- even if he did not belong to the tribe.

The boy himself did not know the workings of the man's mind. He quickly shifted through the bag, eyes shifting, feet ready to run. As he was doing so his hand came across something. Something smooth, but warm. Without a second's hesitation the boy listed the object into his arms and glanced around the room to check for pursuers. His eyes met with the man's. For the briefest of moments their stare held. The man wasn't sure what the boy was searching for in his own eyes. Permission, maybe? Permission to steal what he'd taken?

Though the man was not going to stop a starving boy as long as he didn't over do his theivery to unconstrained amounts. The man was still searching for the answer in the boy's wide eyes when he suddenly turned around and ran, his arms carefully wrapped around an object nearly as large as his head.

The boy had taken the egg. The one egg the man had found in the King's chambers. The man didn't mind, really. He had considered raising it to sell it off for food next year but seeing the state they were in now he didn't think they had enough man power, time, or food for such a thing.

Once his people were well enough to begin gathering food once again the man returned to the kingdom with another goal in mind.

He was going to petition the king. 

(A/N: I was going to write the next chapter right after this but... These feels!!! I must... Share...!!! )

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