Chapter 36 Part 3 - Mono means One, after all

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It suddenly made sense. Her jealousy towards the concubine in his bed. Even though Fan Rei knew that he only needed the sisters while he was sleeping. Due to his Contractual Spirit his body temperature dropped too low at night for his human body to handle it. If He wasn't warm enough at any given time he would get sick. SIckness lead to death more than 80 percent of the time if the sickness was connected in some way to your Contracted Spirit.

Because of this, his parents had employed three young orphaned girls to stay by his side at night. I wasn't unusual for men to enjoy the company of other women, nonetheless he'd always stayed the straight and narrow. Refusing to touch any woman except the one bound to him. This of course meant Fan Rei.

As they were not yet married, and Fan Rei was from an established household, it was akin to hanging your own noose if an esteemed young maiden, like herself, were to sleep with any man before she was wed.

Despite these understandings it was hard for her to accept that another woman warmed his bed. Chow Su was hers. Chow Su was hers so it wasn't right for any other woman to touch him. It wasn't right for him to touch another woman, either.

Fan Rei's mind stopped for a moment as she realized that she herself hadn't upheld the same standards she was setting for the one she herself loved. And just as she loved Chow Su how could she expect him to love her if she wasn't monopolistic as well?

It was than that she discovered a second shocking revelation. 

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