Chapter 9 Part 2 - Leveling up the Servants

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Some of the servants were ready to get Master Fan Ling, but seeing as she was practicing martial arts they paused. Whatever had happened to their miss must have been a good influence as she's never had interest in that before. Even when Master Fan Ling himself came down to train her himself she would always find a way to wriggle out of it somehow.

Seeing as she was doing it without any coaxing, none of them dared bother her. Many of them eventually became enraptured. This world was one that focused on strength so it wasn't strange for many of the servants to have experience in that area, especially for a household as special as theirs with the king's brother living here.

When they saw her strange training techniques many of them laughed, but those with enough training to see it's purpose found themselves dumbfounded. Which only happened to be a couple guards and a maid. None of them knew the miss even knew martial arts, let alone such an effective training method. Her strange movements seemed to be working, also.

They only knew ways to train dealing with their spirit power. Yet this miss didn't even seem to touch hers. How great would it be if they could strengthen themselves without relying on their spirit power? A training method for your body that took advantage of only a small amount of spirit power was an expensive and precious technique. They didn't even think that one existed that didn't use any! Is that why she had never been seen training? Because she was hiding such a wonderful thing? But why show it now?

Inadvertently the servant's loyalty to their 'unruly miss' grew.

Watching the two guards watching with rapt attention many of the other servants began to become serious as well. It wasn't long until they saw what the guards saw. Soon, over half a dozen pairs of eyes were glued to her, watching and memorizing every movement she made.

Addor had no idea that her regular training was so unnatural. This change would soon bring a whole new level of strength to the Fan Palace.

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