Chapter 41 Part 3 - Loophole

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Fan Ling didn't say anything for a long while. When he finally spoke his voice was calm, nearly serene. "Who are you? A devil?"

"I'm the spirit sent to avenge your granddaughter." Addor came from modern times. You wanted to out-lie her? Think again.

In her world, children lied to live. If they couldn't lie, they'd die. Addor was one who survived in that world and clawed her way into an organization. She was the cream of the crop. The highest of the low. You want to play the part of a criminal? She's a serial murderer: WANTED. Out-crime a criminal? Try again. Now it's your head on the block.

He had three obvious tells, two hidden beneath those. He doesn't even know how to hide lies within a truth.

Even a master would have a hard time seeing through her lies.

Most of the injuries seen were indeed from beasts. She'd long forgotten about her run-in with the guards by now, so how could she talk about the injuries sustained then? There was no doubt in her mind; The injuries they saw were from beasts.

Her second lie was a half-truth. Who knew why she was her? She could have been sent to this world for revenge. But she was here, now, for revenge. 'Sent' by herself and the promise she made Fan Rei.

The sly Fan Ling was hard-pressed for a comeback. She'd obviously overcome him in terms of strength. Even his trained eyes weren't enough to see her movement. The only other way was to shut her down with words. He grit his teeth. What could he say?

He went back over in his mind their conversation, looking for any sort of loophole he could take advantage of. Fan Ling held back his smile once he found it.

"You are obviously not my granddaughter. You even said so yourself." He turned on her, meeting her squarely in the eye, "If that is so, how am I to trust anything you say? The words of a stranger mean nothing."

It was then that everyone around him seemed to realize what Addor had said. That was indeed the case. She'd been strange ever since she'd 'lost her memories'. It was indeed as if she'd become another person. Possessed? Was it possible? It wasn't unheard of. If true, then what backing did she have to prove her words? There was no longer any backing too them. It was as he said; She's a stranger.

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